
What was so good about Shakespeare?

What was so good about Shakespeare?

Shakespeare, however, had the wit and wisdom to steal plots and ideas from a lot of the plays of that era and top them with better poetry. He also had more insight into characters’ feelings and motives, and cleverer handling of light and dark, change of pace, and the weighing up of right and wrong.

Why should I love Shakespeare?

The power of Shakespeare’s plays and poetry is that they take something ordinary and transform it into something extraordinary. Themes of love, passion, ambition, revenge, hatred, despair, desire, and family dysfunction make his work interesting and relatable to just about everyone.

Why do people care about Shakespeare so much?

People love Shakespeare because he is not only the best dramatist in the language, he also has a strong claim to being the best poet. He is embedded throughout the culture of English speaking peoples, with hundreds of words and phrases in every day use that come directly from his work.

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What was Shakespeare passionate about?

Shakespeare’s passion was related towards English literature, was admired from his theater entertainment with dramatic and “nondramatic poetry” (“William Shakespeare”). … During 1594, he became the main writer “for the successful Lord Chamberlain’s Men” (“William Shakespeare”), companies of the actors.

How do we appreciate Shakespeare?

In order to appreciate Shakespeare, you have to understand what he can write, not just some rom-com play, but also tragic romance, tales of magic, and epic political drama. And comedies, may be categorized as “later reads” for Shakespeare since you’ll need to understand more about him.

What was Shakespeare’s inspiration for his plays?

Shakespeare used stories from older books of all sorts for his non-historical plays. He borrowed from Latin and Greek authors as well as adapting stories from elsewhere in Europe. Hamlet is borrowed from an old Scandinavian tale, but Romeo and Juliet comes from an Italian writer writing at the same time as Shakespeare.

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Why is Shakespeare good for kids?

What to be aware of when it comes to Shakespeare and young kids. We study Shakespeare because of his incredible mastery of the English language (and the fact that he invented much of it!). He grows our vocabulary and helps us grasp and fall in love with the nuances of language.

What reading strategies do you think will be helpful to understand Shakespeare?

1.) Reading Shakespeare’s work aloud will help you become familiar with the rhythm and language of his verse. It’s also helpful to watch performances and listen to how other people perform his work, because you may pick up on something you missed from your own readings.

What kind of people were able to appreciate Shakespeare’s plays?

Shakespeare’s audience for his outdoor plays was the very rich, the upper middle class, and the lower middle class.

What are some examples of William Shakespeare’s plays?

William Shakespeare is best known for his plays, although he was also an accomplished poet and actor. But when we think about Shakespeare, plays like “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” and “Much Ado About Nothing” immediately spring to mind.

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What do we not know about Shakespeare’s life?

Shakespeare’s Life. Since William Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago, and many records from that time are lost or never existed in the first place, we don’t know everything about his life. For example, we know that he was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, 100 miles northwest of London, on April 26, 1564.

What draws you to Shakespeare’s writing?

Shakespeare’s structuring is probably what draws me to him the most – his best sonnets and plays have such wonderful structures where everything just seems in the perfect place and there’s nothing one could possible move to a different section without ruining the play / sonnet.

What was the curriculum of William Shakespeare’s school like?

Like all such schools, its curriculum consisted of an intense emphasis on the Latin classics, including memorization, writing, and acting classic Latin plays. Shakespeare most likely attended until about age 15.