
What was the apocalypse in the City of Ember?

What was the apocalypse in the City of Ember?

The city of Ember was created in the aftermath of an apocalypse, presumably a nuclear war. These founders had written instructions as to how the people could escape from Ember when that time came, and the instructions had been placed in a box which was to have been passed down from mayor to mayor of the city.

What type of catastrophe may have caused people to create such a city as Ember?

The City of Ember

Author Jeanne DuPrau
Genre Post-apocalyptic, children’s literature
Publication date May 2003
Media type Print (Hardcover and Paperback), digital (DVD)
Pages 270

Is the City of Ember on earth?

The City Of Ember (later unofficially renamed the City of Darkhold) was an underground city created to protect humanity from a huge disaster for at least 200 years. However, it held the inhabitants for a bit over 241 years. Ember was built entirely underground.

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Is there a city of Ember 2 movie?

City Of Ember 2 Is Unlikely To Happen.

Did Lina and Doon get married?

Doon and Lina get married and eventually have children of their own. One of Lina’s descendents often liked to look at the pictures of the city Lina drew in Ember and marveled over how Lina had perfectly drawn the city that Lina herself didn’t live long enough to see.

How does city Ember end?

At the very very end, Mrs. Murdo is walking alone. The message that Lina and Doon toss down from the upper world falls at her feet, and she begins to untie it (and, presumably, to read it). Let’s rewind a bit: Lina and Doon and Poppy escape Ember—woohoo!

What was different about the City of Ember?

There are a lot of differences from the movie and the book but here are just a few. One difference is who the rock with the note tied to lands at. Another difference is that when they find the mayor in the pipe works in the book it was just Doon who found him.

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How does city ember end?

Who does Lina Mayfleet marry?

Doon and Lina get married and eventually have children of their own. One of Lina’s descendents often liked to look at the pictures of the city Lina drew in Ember and marveled over how Lina had perfectly drawn the city that Lina herself didn’t live long enough to see.

Did Lina and Doon have kids?

The last chapter reveals that Lina and Doon eventually fall in love and have children together.

Who was the 7th mayor in the city of Ember?

Podd Morethwart was the seventh mayor of Ember. He was the last mayor to be in possession of the Instructions for Egress.

What disaster befell the world in the book?

Neither the book nor the movie specify what disaster befell the world. The original bookonly refers to “impending disaster”, but we can make some educated guesses based on the evidence: It wasn’t sudden. The Builders had several years’ notice, which they used to plan & build the underground city. The world was expected to recover within 200 years.

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What is the disaster in the city of Ember?

In it, the people of Ember evacuate the underground city and find a village of people living on the surface. These people refer to it as simply “The Disaster” and have survived on the surface ever since with a technology level closer to the 18th century than that of Ember.

What was the goal of the first mayor of Ember?

The goal is to keep humanity safe from an impending apocalyptic disaster. They handed the first mayor of the city a locked box holding instructions for the city’s inhabitants on how to leave Ember when the time comes, to be passed down from one mayor to the next.

What happened to the mayor of Ember in the box?

He then dies before he can return the box to its rightful place or inform the next mayor of its importance. Approximately two hundred and forty-one years after Ember is established, the city′s supplies are in danger of exhaustion and its hydroelectric generator is in decay, causing the power to go out intermittently.