
What was the writing style of the Victorian era?

What was the writing style of the Victorian era?

While the novel was the dominant form of literature during the Victorian era, poets continued to experiment with style and methods of story-telling in their poems. Examples of this experimentation include long narrative poems (epic poems) and the dramatic monologue as seen primarily in the writing of Robert Browning.

What were the problems in Victorian England?

Social concern The daily needs and problems of ordinary people included: poverty, poor housing, ill health, a horrifying level of child mortality, hunger, long hours of grinding labour. The rapid changes of the time benefited some people long before others.

Why was Victorian England so poor?

During the Victorian era, the rates of people living in poverty increased drastically. This is due to many factors, including low wages, the growth of cities (and general population growth), and lack of stable employment.

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What did Victorians write about?

While the Romantic period was a time of abstract expression and inward focus, essayists, poets, and novelists during the Victorian era began to reflect on realities of the day, including the dangers of factory work, the plight of the lower class, and the treatment of women and children.

What were the punishments in Victorian schools?

Boys were usually caned on their backsides and girls were either beaten on their bare legs or across their hands. A pupil could receive a caning for a whole range of different reasons, including: rudeness, leaving a room without permission, laziness, not telling the truth and playing truant (missing school).

How did the Victorians treat the poor?

Poor people – even children – had to work hard in factories, mines or workhouses. They didn’t get paid very much money. By the end of the Victorian era, all children could go to school for free. Victorian schools were very strict – your teacher might even beat you if you didn’t obey the rules.

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What was the first negative of Queen Victoria’s reign?

A new royal family Victoria fell pregnant soon after her wedding and gave birth to her daughter Victoria nine months later. The Queen hated childbirth and suffered postnatal depression.

Was the Victorian era creepy?

The Victorians were a little bit obsessed with death. That gave rise to the seriously creepy trend of death photography. The bodies were often kept at home for the mourning period, and photographs were staged with not just the deceased, but their parents or siblings, sometimes posing as if everyone were still alive.