
What weapons are banned by the Geneva Convention?

What weapons are banned by the Geneva Convention?

The use of chemical and biological weapons was outlawed by the Geneva Protocol of 1925. This ban was later strengthened by the adoption of the Biological Weapons Convention (1972) and the Chemical Weapons Convention (1993), which prohibited the devel- opment, production, stockpiling and transfer of such weapons.

Why are shotguns against the Geneva Convention?

The only round of a shotgun banned by international law is commercial slug rounds. The tendency of typical commercial shotgun slugs to deform on impact would render them illegal under the Hague Convention of 1899 and so a jacketed, hardened or sabot slug may be adopted.

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Which weapon is the deadliest part of our military arsenal today?

Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on earth.

Why are hollow point bullets illegal in war?

A Hollow Point round is designed to increase in size and increase the damage done to the person hit. The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, prohibited the use in international warfare of bullets that easily expand or flatten in the body.

Why does the military use Full Metal Jacket?

The reason the military uses FMJ bullets is that FMJ are more durable and reliable in a combat environment. Military ammo is stored for long periods of time, bounced around in shipment, subject to cold, moisture, heat, dirt, sweat, etc. on the battlefield.

What is an 88mm flak gun?

A German artillery crew relaxes next to their 88 mm gun. The famous flak gun became one of the most feared anti-tank weapons of the Second World War, serving everywhere from the sands of North Africa to the snowy wastelands of the Russian front.

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How many 88mm guns did the Luftwaffe have?

Most 88mm guns served in Luftwaffe flak regiments (24 guns) or Wehrmacht mixed anti-aircraft battalions ( FlaK Abteilungen with 4 to 8 guns). The 88 was typically towed by a half-track (Sd.Kfz 7 or Sd.Kfz 11) with seats for the ten-man crew and some ammunition.

How effective were German anti-aircraft guns in WW2?

The German Flak (aka Ground Anti-Aircraft) guns were most effective weapons, with the legendary Flak 88 mm as the standard version (which was also a formidable anti-tank gun). Later came the 108 mm Flak 38/39 and the 128 mm Flak 40.

What is 88mm artillery used for in WW2?

German 88mm artillery was used on armored trains as well as on flak towers and eventually the Tiger tank. The 88 fired three main types of ammunition (88 x 571R). High-explosive shells with spring-wound or inertia-operated time fuse (up to 30 seconds) were fired at air targets.