
When the zinc layer is damaged exposing the underlying steel it does not rust but when the tin layer is broken the steel rusts explain?

When the zinc layer is damaged exposing the underlying steel it does not rust but when the tin layer is broken the steel rusts explain?

Answer: Zinc is more reactive than steel while tin is less reactive than steel. Explanation: When the zinc layer is damaged the surrounding atoms would be attracted to the zinc and therefore only react with the zinc and not the steel (zinc is basically like a magnet).

Why the underlying iron does not rust when the zinc coating is damaged at one part?

The zinc layer stops oxygen and water reaching the iron. Zinc is more reactive than iron, so it also acts as a sacrificial metal. This protection works, even if the zinc layer is scratched. It provides a physical barrier to oxygen and water, stopping the can rusting.

When the protective layer of zinc is broken the steel still does not rust?

If the zinc coating is broken, the galvanized object remains protected against rusting because zinc is more reactive than iron and hence can be easily oxidized. Thus when zinc layer breaks down, the zinc continues to react and get oxidized. Hence iron object is protected.

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Why Galvanising protects steel from rusting even when the layer of zinc gets damaged?

Galvanizing protects from rust in a number of ways: It forms a barrier that prevents corrosive substances from reaching the underlying steel or iron. The zinc serves as a sacrificial anode so that even if the coating is scratched, the exposed steel will still be protected by the remaining zinc.

Why does steel rust when the tin layer is broken?

With Tin and iron the electrons flow in the opposite direction; the iron rusts and the tin is protected. Tin is used as a barrier. It is not a sacrificial material like zinc tht will corrode in preference to the substrate. If the tin coating is damaged then that’s the corrosion protection gone.

Why does zinc protect iron from corrosion?

Zinc metal present on the surface of iron forms a thin protective layer of basic zinc carbonate due to the reaction between zinc, oxygen, CO2 and moisture in air. The standard reduction potential of Zinc is less than iron, or Zinc is more reactive than Iron. Hence, Iron will not undergo corrosion.

How does zinc protect steel?

The positively charged zinc ions at the zinc (anode) surface react with negatively charged hydroxyl ions from the electrolyte and zinc is slowly consumed, providing sacrificial protection for the steel. This phenomenon that prevents corrosion of the steel, i.e. the cathode, is known as cathodic protection.

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Why is steel coated with zinc?

Zinc is more reactive than any kind of steel, so it protects steel. But steel is more reactive than copper, so if you coated steel with copper, and the copper got scratched, the steel would corrode while the copper stayed intact.

Why does steel not rust when the zinc coating is scratched electron transfer?

The steel does not rust even if the layer of zinc is scratched so that the steel is exposed to air and water,zinc is more reactive than iron ,and zinc is used as a sacrificial metal. in the other way we can say that zinc didn’t react with air or water as iron reacts.

Which of the following metal is highly resistant to corrosion?

Aluminium is a common metal that is highly resistant to corrosion because it is a highly reactive metal. It reacts easily with oxygen in air and forms a layer of aluminium oxide on its surface.

Why does zinc protect steel?

What happens when zinc is in contact with steel in an electrolyte?

When zinc and steel are in contact in an electrolyte, differences in electrical potential develop and an electrolytic cell is formed. Zinc is more electrochemically active than steel, as shown in the galvanic series above. There is no chemical reaction between the steel cathode and the electrolyte.

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What happens when zinc coating is broken off?

When the zinc coating is broken, the iron beneath the zinc is exposed. And for corrosion to happen, there has to be oxygen, air and a more electro positive element present and a galvanic cell is formed with these three and iron. Now look at the exposed iron surface.

What causes zinc to rust?

Zinc may also exhibit a type of corrosion known as white rust. This type of rust occurs when zinc surfaces have not had enough time to fully develop the protective carbonate layer.

Does zinc corrode in air?

Like all metals, zinc corrodes when exposed to air and moisture. However, this element does not rust like most other metals. Iron, for example, reacts with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form hydrated iron (III) oxide on the surface of the metal.

How does zinc protect iron from corrosion?

Zinc provides protection against corrosion in two ways. One, it covers the iron article and prevents iron from getting exposed to air and water. Two, it offers sacrificial protection. The prevention of corrosion when the zinc coating breaks is due to the second mode. When the zinc coating is broken, the iron beneath the zinc is exposed.