
Where is Castle Darry?

Where is Castle Darry?

the riverlands
Darry or Castle Darry is the seat of House Darry in the riverlands….

Location Riverlands
Government House Darry of Darry (former; now extinct) House Lannister of Darry (former; renounced seat)
Ruler Lord Raymun Darry (AGoT) Lady Amerei Frey (ADwD)
Notable places Plowman’s Keep Great Hall

Who is Ser Willem Darry?

Ser Willem Darry was a knight from House Darry who served as the Red Keep’s master-at-arms for King Aerys II Targaryen. He remained deeply loyal to House Targaryen during and after Robert’s Rebellion. According to semi-canon sources, he was the brother of Ser Jonothor Darry of the Kingsguard.

Who Smuggled daenerys out of Westeros?

Ser Willem
Following the Sack of King’s Landing and the birth of Daenerys Targaryen, Ser Willem smuggled Viserys and Daenerys across the Narrow Sea to the Free Cities before Stannis Baratheon arrived to seize Dragonstone.

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What is the Lannisters motto?

Hear Me Roar!House Lannister / Motto
Their official motto is actually “Hear Me Roar!” – but this is hardly ever used, even within the books. It is usually brought up solely for characters to point out that it isn’t as popular as their unofficial motto: “A Lannister always pays his debts”.

Who took Daenerys and Viserys?

Ser Willem Darry
Her mother, Rhaella, died in childbirth, and the Master of Arms of the Red Keep, Ser Willem Darry whisked Daenerys and her older brother Viserys away to Braavos. Darry died when Daenerys was five years old, and she and Viserys spent the following years wandering the Free Cities.

Why was Dragonstone empty?

Stannis Baratheon, the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon, left Dragonstone unguarded at the end of season 3. Stannis, never one to do things by halves, fully committed to the cause, pulling every one of his followers out of Dragonstone, which is why Daenerys finds it empty and unguarded.

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Why was the targaryen Castle empty?

Tywin concludes the only reason Stannis would have abandoned the castle is that he plans to continue fighting elsewhere (which proves correct). Whether or not Tywin intended to conquer Dragonstone, he was killed before he could make any plans for that purpose.

What are the Tyrell words?

Growing Strong
The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a pale green field. Their house words are “Growing Strong.”

What are the baratheon words?

House Baratheon

House Baratheon of Storm’s End
Words Ours is the Fury
Seat Storm’s End King’s Landing (House Baratheon of King’s Landing) Dragonstone (House Baratheon of Dragonstone)
Head King Tommen I Baratheon King Stannis I Baratheon (disputed)
Region Stormlands

Why did Khal Drogo get sick?

He was suffocated by Danaerys. He was cut on his chest, it became infected and he almost died because of it. Dany got the witch Mirri Maz Duur to perform her blood magic to heal Drogo.