
Which Kingdom are the Iron Islands part of?

Which Kingdom are the Iron Islands part of?

The Kingdom of the Iron Islands is the name given to the de jure independent kingdom of the Iron Islands recognizing the suzerainty of the Iron Throne, located on an archipelago located in Ironman’s Bay off the western coast of the continent of Westeros. The kingdom is named after the Iron Islands.

How large is the iron fleet?

At the beginning of the voyage to the Slaver’s Bay, the Iron fleet consists of 93 ships; nearly half of them are lost on the way, but Victarion does not despair. The remaining fleet continues, capturing several cogs and galleys along the way. By the time the fleet reaches Meereen, it consists of 61 ships.

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Who leads the Iron Fleet?

Victarion Greyjoy
The fleet’s commander, the Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, is Victarion Greyjoy.

Who is the king of the 7 kingdoms in the end?

Bran Stark Became the King of Westeros in the Game of Thrones Season Eight Finale. Here’s what that means for the Seven Kingdoms. Bran is now the King of Westeros. In the final episode of Season Eight of Game of Thrones, the leaders of the Westerosi kingdoms got together and decided to elect Bran the Broken their ruler …

How large is the Redwyne fleet?

two hundred warships
It consists of two hundred warships, one thousand merchant carracks, wine cogs, trading galleys and whalers. According to Jaime, it is the largest fleet in Westeros.

Which kingdom is King’s Landing in?

King’s Landing is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, located in the crownlands on the east coast of Westeros. It is situated along the kingsroad at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush and overlooks Blackwater Bay….

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King’s Landing
Religion Faith of the Seven
Founded 2 BC
Named for Aegon I Targaryen

What is the Kingdom of the Iron Islands?

The Kingdom of the Iron Islands is the name given to the de jure independent kingdom of the Iron Islands recognizing the suzerainty of the Iron Throne, located on an archipelago located in Ironman’s Bay off the western coast of the continent of Westeros.

What is the Iron Fleet in Westeros?

The Iron Fleet is the largest grouping of longships from the Iron Islands. They number one hundred, and unlike other ironborn ships they belong to the Seastone Chair. It is one of the three most powerful fleets of Westeros, along with the royal fleet of the crownlands and the Redwyne fleet of the Arbor.

What are the ships of the Iron Fleet like?

The ships, while smaller than the war dromonds of the mainland, are three times the size of a standard longship of the Isles. The fleet’s commander, the Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, is Victarion Greyjoy. Quellon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands, desired stronger ties with the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, but he died in Robert’s Rebellion.

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How many ships can the ironborns float around on?

George R. R. Martin has indicated that the major lords of the ironborn can each float around a hundred ships. The only fleets comparable to those of the Iron Islands are the royal fleet in the crownlands and the Redwyne fleet at the Arbor. Maesters believe the Iron Islands were settled by the First Men many thousands of years ago.