
Which side won the Clone Wars?

Which side won the Clone Wars?

So, the simple answer is the Empire and the Sith won the Clone Wars. The Empire still had the might of the clone army and maintained its seat of power after the Clone Wars were over. With the Separatists destroyed, Palpatine could now remake the galaxy however he wanted. This “victory” ushered in decades of oppression.

Could the Republic have won the Clone Wars?

The Clone Wars reached a definitive conclusion, and the Republic won. If you mean without Sidious’s plan (after the war actually started because without him, it wouldn’t have happened), probably the Separatists. The Republic were the underdogs.

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Could the CIS have won?

Originally Answered: Did the Separatists have a chance of winning the Clone Wars, or were they doomed from the start? They were never meant to win the war. The Sepratists purpose was to create an excuse for the clone army to be serviced, more powers given to Palpatine and a bunch of other reasons. So no, they didn’t.

Is cloning illegal?

There are currently no federal laws in the United States which ban cloning completely.

Are Sith clone troopers clones?

Though they were not clones, Sith troopers were bred to be elite soldiers fanatically loyal to Darth Sidious and his new Sith Empire. Information within the First Order was extremely compartmentalized; even high-ranking First Order officers were unaware of the true scope of their forces.

What are Sith stormtroopers called?

Sith troopers, also known as Sith stormtroopers, were elite soldiers in the Sith Eternal army that was created on the planet Exegol during the New Republic Era. The army comprised the children of the Sith Eternal, a Sith cult that revered the dark side of the Force.

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How loyal were Sith troopers to the Empire?

As a result, Sith troopers were even more loyal and obedient than the Empire’s recruits and the First Order’s child conscripts.

Why does the empire like clone troopers so much?

They are not about being people or caring for the individual–and that’s what the Empire seems to enjoy about them. Clone troopers were genetically engineered using Jango Fett’s DNA, and were originally built for fighting. Most of them also have modifications that make them better fighters.