
Who runs India?

Who runs India?

Government of India

Head of state President Ramnath Kovind
Head of government Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Main organ Cabinet
Head of civil services Cabinet secretary (Rajiv Gauba, IAS)

Why Bharat is called India?

The name is derived from the ancient Hindu Puranas, which refer to the land that comprises India as Bhāratavarṣa (Sanskrit: भारतवर्ष, lit. ‘country of Bharata’) and uses this term to distinguish it from other varṣas or continents.

Why do people love Modi so much?

People voted her out after two years. Mr Modi is a strongman, and people possibly love him for that. A 2017 report by the CSDS showed that respondents who supported democracy in India had dropped from 70\% to 63\% between 2005 and 2017.

Is Modi a messiah who will solve India’s problems?

Many Indians seem to believe that Mr Modi is a kind of messiah who will solve all their problems. A survey by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), a Delhi-based think tank, a third of BJP voters said they would have supported another party if Mr Modi was not the prime ministerial candidate.

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What is the BJP’s political style under Modi?

Under Mr Modi, the BJP commands an overwhelming majority in parliament as the first party, and there are no equals. He and Amit Shah have adopted an aggressive take-no-prisoners style of politics. The party is not a seasonal machine that comes alive during elections.

Is Modi to blame for India’s currency crisis?

Many Indians were hit hard by the currency ban (also known as demonetisation), which was designed to flush out undeclared wealth, and there were complaints about what critics said was a poorly-designed and complicated uniform sales tax. The results prove that people are not yet blaming Mr Modi for this.