
Why are INFP so insecure?

Why are INFP so insecure?

INFPs are fluid in their thoughts and feelings, and we do not mind when someone remarks on us being different from the rest of the crowd. Sometimes, other people don’t find those feelings convenient. For example, as much as we’re proud to stand out, many INFPs also struggle with insecurity, which can lead to anxiety.

When is an Infp stressed?

INFPs under stress will typically be dominated by feelings of individualism, causing them to focus 100 percent on their own goals and needs. You’ll likely want to work and complete projects alone and even avoid your friends and family.

What is the most challenging part of being an INFP?

One of the most challenging aspects of having an INFP personality is our dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) function. To put it simply, we feel a lot, but we tend to internalize it all. Many INFPs resort to suppressing emotions as a way to cope.

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Are You an INFP with an unhealthy imagination?

Our imagination is an INFP’s most shining quality. The problem is, when we choose to live in fantasy worlds our reality suffers. We miss opportunities for real life connection. An unhealthy INFP has elaborate fantasies of their ideal life, but never takes concrete action to make those dreams a reality. You might also develop ‘Peter Pan syndrome’.

What does INFP stand for?

INFP stands for introverted, intuition, feeling and perceiving. They are dominated by introverted feeling, followed by extroverted intuition, introverted sensing, and lastly extroverted thinking. They belong to the idealist family with the INFJ, ENFJ, and ENFP.

How do INFPs deal with depression?

It would be better for an INFP to talk out their problems with someone, so they don’t slide into depression. Those dominated by feeling and intuition sometimes struggle to express their emotions into words they feel comfortable sharing with others.