
Why are subtitles not the same as audio?

Why are subtitles not the same as audio?

Subtitles have more latitude for a closer rendering of the original language, but they also must be very concise since you have to be able to read them in the time it would take to hear the language, and we usually read more slowly than we process aurally.

What is the difference between CC and subtitles?

Closed Captioning vs Subtitles Closed captions are created to allow deaf and hard-of-hearing people to experience the video, so they includes background sounds and speaker changes. Subtitles assume the viewer hears the audio and as a result do not contain the background sounds or notifications for speaker changes.

Why do YouTube subtitles censor?

What is YouTube up to with censorship? So the general idea by YouTube is that in the auto-caption there may be certain words that crop up that should not be shown. And they have decided that just in case it does show up, they’re going to censor it and they put it in the open bracket, two underscore and close bracket.

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What does CC mean subtitles?

Closed captioning
Closed captioning (CC) and subtitling are both processes of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information.

Why are dubbing and subtitles different?

The difference between subtitling and dubbing is simple. Dubbing allows us to hear a translated and reenacted version of the source audio. Meanwhile, subtitles give us the chance to read a translation of what is being said on-screen, while listening to the voices of the original actors.

Why do subtitles never match?

We have limits in character numbers and the amount of time for every frame of subtitles. That is sometimes hard to match when a subtitle frame has to last for a maximum of 4 seconds but the sentences in the frame are too long and the audience needs a certain amount of time to be able to keep up with it.

Why is it called Closed Captioning?

The captions or subtitles are called closed captions because they are hidden, until they are otherwise ‘opened’ by the viewer from a menu or by selecting the relevant option from their TV settings. Subtitles are used to translate dialog from a foreign/source language to the target (native language) of the audience.

What does closed captions mean at the movies?

The label “CC” refers to Closed Captioning, where guests who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing may use a display unit to receive captions. For more information about Closed Captioning, please visit

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How do I block curse words on YouTube?

You can enable Restricted Mode anywhere you log in to YouTube to block all mature content, including profanity. If you’re looking to block foul language in your own channel’s comments section, you can add the words you don’t want to see to your Blocked Words list.

Is profanity allowed on YouTube?

YouTubers can now swear (a little bit) in monetized videos. Now, though, YouTube will allow moderate profanity like “s**t” and “b**ch” in the first 30 seconds of a video, as well as infrequent strong profanity and censored profanity (the f-word, etc.) further into the video.

Does someone type Closed Captioning?

A stenographer listens to the broadcast and types the words into a special computer program that adds the captions to the television signal. The typists have to be skilled at dictation and spelling and they have to be very fast and accurate at typing.

Are dubbing subtitles more accurate?

The final positive for subtitles is that they’re usually more accurate to the original script. That’s because dubs tend to alter the script to try to have the audio match the mouth movements. With subtitles, you’re enjoying a mostly unfiltered experience.

Why can’t I see subtitles on my videos?

1. Make sure that the subtitle function has been enabled. Go to tools > Setting > Subtitle Setting. Select “On” to enable subtitle. Due to the default setting, you need to turn on the subtitle of each video. If the subtitle still isn’t displayed, just move to the second solution. 2. Incompatible subtitle file formats

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Does Samsung TV support subtitles?

As the figure on the left shows, most Samsung TV support external .ttxt, .smi, .srt, .sub, .ssa and .ass format. So before you add subtitle to video and play it on Samsung TV, you’d better check whether the subtitle format is supported or not.

Why do TV channels change the sound of certain scenes?

So generally TV channels choose to re-sound the scene with a person who has a similar sound as the original actor/actress. That happens if the producer or director do not make an alternative shot and the TV channel do not want to spend much money for censorship.

How do they make a censored version of a movie?

Generally basic broadcast TV channels do this. They use a person to re-voice some part whose voice sounds like the original actor or actress. But sometimes, procucer or director shot an alternative scene as the the censored version. Like in Ghostbusters: Original Line: “We came, we saw, we kicked it’s ass!”