
Why did Harry get in trouble for using magic in front of Dudley?

Why did Harry get in trouble for using magic in front of Dudley?

He was charged with performing underage magic inform of a Muggle. But that Muggle, Dudley, knew about magic. Hogwarts even broke this rule when they sent hundreds of letters to Harry in the philosophers stone, and that was when Dudley knew nothing about magic.

Why can’t Wizards do magic in front of Muggles?

There is a general prohibition of casting magic in front of Muggles, even family, as Harry’s underage use of the Patronus charm in front of Dudley was almost punished by judicial process.

Why did Dolores Umbridge hate Harry?

Umbridge was a control freak, who saw Harry as a challenge to her authority, and her response to such a challenge was to stamp that out: Dolores’s appointment as Inquisitor at Hogwarts gave full scope, for the first time in her life, for her prejudices and her cruelty.

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How does Harry make Aunt Marge float in the air?

At the very start of the movie adaptation of Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry attempts the spell Lumos Maximain his bedroom. He then inflates his Aunt Marge and makes her float in the air. How come he is doing this outside of Hogwarts as an underage wizard? The Trace is clearly still on him!

Why did Harry Potter get in trouble for using his Patronus?

Closed 2 years ago. So in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Harry gets in trouble for use his patronus. He was charged with performing underage magic inform of a Muggle. But that Muggle, Dudley, knew about magic.

Should Harry Potter be reprimanded for this spell in the book?

Although Harry doesn’t cast this spell in the book, he should be reprimanded for it in the film. This is a mistake on Alfonso Cuarón’s part and a plot hole, as far as I’m concerned. In the ministry’s eyes, Harry has cast a total of three spells outside of school yet nobody seems to care. This bugs me immensely, special treatment or not.

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Can Harry get a walnut sliver from Tom?

Harry glances warily from the steaming TUREEN of GREEN to Tom, who works a grimy thumb into his gum, frees a walnut sliver. HARRY No thank you.