
Why did Peter Pettigrew become the Secret Keeper?

Why did Peter Pettigrew become the Secret Keeper?

Sirius Black, James Potter’s best friend, offered himself to be their Secret Keeper but changed his mind and suggested Peter Pettigrew instead. The reason for this was that Sirius came to distrust their friend, Remus Lupin, thinking he might have been a spy, thus making him a target of Lord Voldemort.

Why didn’t the potters use Dumbledore as Secret Keeper?

Originally Answered: Why didn’t Albus Dumbledore himself became the secret keeper for James and Lily Potter? Dumbledore offered to be the Potters’ Secret Keeper. They declined because they trusted their friends. Pettigrew became their Secret Keeper instead.

How did Snape feel about Wormtail?

Snape clearly displays SOME hatred and disdain for Wormtail while the rat is living with him, but if he were to actually harm the creature it would have inevitably led to more thorough questioning than he had gotten before.

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How did Pettigrew betray the Potters?

1959/1960–March, 1998), usually referred to as Wormtail or Scabbers was a wizard and the son of Mr and Mrs Pettigrew. He was made Secret-Keeper for the Potters when they went into hiding with the use of the Fidelius Charm, and betrayed James, his wife Lily, and their son Harry to Lord Voldemort.

Who was James and Lily’s secret keeper at the time of their deaths?

Peter Pettigrew, the Secret Keeper for the Potter family who betrayed them to Voldemort. Sirius Black was originally meant to be the secret keeper for James and Lily Potter, but Sirius thought Voldemort was on to him (he thought that Remus Lupin was a spy), therefore passing on the Secret Keeper to Peter Pettigrew.

Was Peter Pettigrew a Secret Keeper?

Known Secret Keepers Pettigrew was then the new Secret Keeper for James and Lily Potter after they went into hiding during the First Wizarding War with their infant son Harry, keeping their whereabouts in Godric’s Hollow a secret.

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Does Snape hate Pettigrew?

Severus Snape, whom he used to bully, and who bullied him in return While they were students at Hogwarts, Pettigrew, along with James Potter and Sirius Black, enjoyed tormenting Severus Snape. Or perhaps his intense dislike of Pettigrew was due to the former betraying Lily, the woman he loved, to Voldemort.

Why was wormtail staying with Snape?

They found that Wormtail was living there, as Voldemort had ordered him to “assist” Snape. Snape treated Wormtail as a servant, forcing him to fix drinks for his guests and clean the house. The house was probably abandoned after Snape’s death in the Second Wizarding War.

What did Peter Pettigrew do wrong?

Peter Pettigrew: Killed 12 innocent Muggles with one curse. Betrayed his best friends to Voldemort. Let Sirius Black rot in Azkaban for 12 years for crimes he did not commit.

Why didn’t Pettigrew tell Lupin about the secret keeper switch?

Because as they were making these plans, everyone – Dumbledore, Sirius, probably the Potters themselves – suspected someone was sharing information with Voldemort. And while it’s strange that Pettigrew avoided suspicion, it seemed Sirius, at least, believed Lupin was the spy, hence why Lupin wasn’t told about the Secret-Keeper switch.

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Why did the potters need a secret-keeper?

Using a Secret-Keeper meant the Potters had no need to change location when they were hiding, as long as the Secret-Keeper kept their silence. It should’ve been the perfect way of protecting them. And why was Sirius initially picked?

Why did Sirius Black Think Pettigrew would never betray Voldemort?

Perhaps Sirius assumed Pettigrew held them in such high regard he’d never betray them. That doesn’t mean he didn’t suspect Pettigrew would reveal their secrets under threat of torture, but he probably hoped his bluff would prevent Voldemort paying him any attention in the first place.

Are the Weasleys their own Secret Keepers?

We know that it’s possible from Deathly Hallows: (Bill and Arthur Weasley are their own Secret Keepers). “I’ve been getting them all out of the Burrow,” Bill explained.