
Why did Saudi Arabia abstain from the UDHR?

Why did Saudi Arabia abstain from the UDHR?

Saudi Arabia’s decision in 1948 to abstain from the final vote on the Universal Declaration stemmed primarily from its disagreement with the Declaration’s affirmation of a right to change religion, a move some Islamic scholars view as apostasy.

Does the UN support Saudi Arabia?

The United Nations in Saudi Arabia The Kingdom has been a major contributor to the UN’s Development Assistance since the 1950s. There are currently 22 UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes working with Saudi Arabia, including regional offices.

Which country heads the UN Human Rights Council?

Geneva, Switzerland
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world….United Nations Human Rights Council.

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Formation 15 March 2006
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
President Nazhat Shameem
Parent organization United Nations General Assembly

Does Saudi Arabia protect human rights?

Saudi Arabia abstained from the United Nations vote adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, saying it contradicted sharia law. It is not a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which includes freedom of religion.

Which nations did not agree with the UDHR?

Eight abstained: six communist nations, led by the Soviet Union, plus South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, which signed the declaration, disagreed and critiqued the Saudi position, as did Turkey, a predominantly Muslim nation. Honduras and Yemen, both members of the U.N., failed to either vote or abstain.

Is Saudi Arabia a member of the United Nations?

Saudi Arabia joined the United Nations as a Charter Member on 26 June 1945. His Majesty King Faisal signed the Charter as a Founding Member at a ceremony held in San Francisco. The Kingdom has been a major contributor to the UN’s Development Assistance since the 1950s.

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Who represents Saudi Arabia in the UN?

Samir S. Shihabi
Samir S. Shihabi of Saudi Arabia, who has served as his country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations since 1983, was elected by acclamation as President of the forty-sixth General Assembly session. Mr.

Which country is the latest to join the UN as a member?

South Sudan
The organization was founded by representatives of 51 countries in 1945, and today counts 193 member states. The most recent state to join is South Sudan, which was recognized as an independent nation in 2011.