
Why did Wanda smile at Tony in Age of Ultron?

Why did Wanda smile at Tony in Age of Ultron?

She, having a personal grudge against Tony, realised that he would create something from the sceptre that would cause him a great deal of pain. So she let him have it. Okay…

What did Wanda Maximoff do to Tony Stark?

She caught sight of Bruce Banner and managed to “hex” him as well, forcing him to transform into the Hulk and go on a rampage through Johannesburg, resulting in Iron Man being forced to battle his friend.

What was Tony’s fear in Age of Ultron?

For Tony Stark, his fear is failing against Thanos – he sees his Avengers friends dead, and the alien armies of the Chitauri approaching Earth unopposed.

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Did Wanda forgive Tony?

Sadly, as we’ve mentioned, Tony and Wanda never formally resolved their differences. However, Marvel fans can take solace that she was present at Stark’s funeral, hinting that she had forgiven him for his past deeds.

Did Wanda go to Tony’s funeral?

Wanda later attended Tony Stark’s funeral with all other Avengers and shared a private moment with Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye where they both mourned the deaths of Vision and Black Widow together.

What did Wanda make Hulk see?

Her vision are based on people’s greatest fear: Captain America faces the truth that he cannot live without war, Thor sees his power destroy everything he loves, Iron Man sees his friends dead.

Did Wanda help create Ultron?

In the film, Wanda and her twin brother Pietro Maximoff joined forces with Ultron as enemies of the Avengers. The two helped the robot in the first part of his plan, securing all the Vibranium he needed.

Are there now 2 visions?

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A Tale of Two Visions The Vision is now split into two. And then there’s Wanda’s Vision, or “Westview Vision,” which is just a projection of the part of the Mind Stone that exists within her. Westview Vision seemingly dies in the WandaVision finale, when his energy dissipates as the Westview Hex comes down.

Did Tony’s vision come true?

Before he takes it, Scarlet Witch sneaks up behind Tony and uses her powers to trigger a vision. In order to stop his vision from coming true, he creates Ultron. That same sentiment leads to his conflict with Cap in Captain America: Civil War. In the end, much of the vision does come true.

What did Nick Fury say in age of Ultron?

Avengers: Age of Ultron Quotes Nick Fury: Glad you liked the view Romanoff, cause it’s about to get better! Nick Fury: Back in the day I had eyes everywhere, and you kids had all the tech you could dream of, but here we all are back on earth, nothing but our wit and our will to save the world, so stand outwit the platinum bastard!

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Does Nick Fury lose his eye in Avengers?

Little does the younger Nick Fury know that his interactions with Carol, the Kree and the shapeshifting Skrulls will be his first step onto a new path, one which will eventually lead to him forming the Avengers. Oh, and that transition will also be marked by him losing his eye.

What happened to Nick Fury and Maria Hill?

When we last left off with Nick Fury and Maria Hill at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, they were helping Earth’s Mightiest Heroes set up their new facility in upstate New York (which, as revealed in Ant-Man, was originally a Stark Industries warehouse).

What are some of the best Nick Fury quotes?

Nick Fury: Glad you liked the view Romanoff, cause it’s about to get better! Steve Rogers/Captain America: Fury you son of a bitch! Nick Fury: Whoa! You kiss your mother with that mouth?