
Why do I hate working and not want to work anymore?

Why do I hate working and not want to work anymore?

The answer is usually because you feel stuck in some way. As much as you hate working, you hate the idea of not working even more. Fear of failure is something each of us encounter. However, avoiding failure is almost always going to lead to regret.

How do I stop hating my job so much?

If you took the job because of the proximity to your home or the work-life balance, then focus on that aspect of your career. By continually reminding yourself about what you dislike about your job, you are only going to further hate working.

Should you quit your job to become a stay-at-home mom?

While 71\% of moms do work outside of the home, 29\% are staying home. That number is up 6\% from 1999. Regardless of the increasing numbers, quitting your job to become a stay-at-home mom shouldn’t be out of guilt or peer pressure.

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Is working from home a good idea for You?

If you have a family, then working from home could allow the flexibility to attend to families matters in a more effective way. If you live in a city with a lot of traffic, then working from home could help you to avoid sitting in rush-hour every morning and evening. Wouldn’t you hate work less if you weren’t stuck in rush-hour traffic everyday?

Why am I never excited about my job?

Every day at work doesn’t have to feel like a party, but if you’re never excited about your job, something’s wrong. You work for many reasons—to keep a roof over your head, to use your skills and talents, perhaps to help others or achieve things most people can’t. But without some sense of purpose and passion for work, you’ll burn out in a hurry.

Is it bad to be stuck in a job you hate?

The irony of being stuck in a job you hate is that it tends to consume your every waking moment—even if you don’t have a boss who calls you at home or emails you at 3 am. Good jobs allow for true work-life balance, which means being able to unplug from work to enjoy your life.