
Why do the Dementors only attack Harry on the train?

Why do the Dementors only attack Harry on the train?

In the 3rd book the dementors come onto the train to see if anyone is concealing Voldemort. They only attack harry. At the time it was thought that this was because harry had uh worse things in his past then most others. BUT, because harry had a part of Voldemort soul in him then the dementors were doing their job.

Why did the Dementors affect Harry so much?

A theory posted on Reddit suggests Dementors were drawn to Harry because they could sense the piece of Voldemort’s soul living in him. As such, Dementors could have affected him more because there was literally an extra piece of (someone else’s) soul in him, and one that was loaded with bad memories.

Who set the Dementors on Harry in Order of the Phoenix?

After rumours of Lord Voldemort’s return and the increased paranoia of Cornelius Fudge, Umbridge set two dementors on Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley Dursley in Little Whinging in an attempt to get him expelled from Hogwarts for use of magic outside of school.

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Why do the Dementors want Harry Potter?

Because dementors seek to suck out the souls of their prisoners, it’s plausible that they are especially drawn to Harry because — as it is revealed in the last book — he actually possesses a fragment of Lord Voldemort’s soul as well.

Why did Dementors side with Voldemort?

Death Eaters spread despair, allowing the dementors to feed on it and breed. The Dementors take care of the Death Eaters enemies, taking their souls, and demoralizing the rest of the population. It’s mutually beneficial to both of them. This is why the Dementors joined Voldemort.

Why did the Dementor kiss Harry?

The Dementors only target Harry specifically at the end of the book when one Dementor steps away from the rest and decides to give him the kiss due to him getting in the way of capturing Sirius. Lupin says earlier that the kiss is only done by the Dementors to those that “they wish to destroy utterly”.

Why do the Dementors go after Harry during Quidditch?

The Dementors could feel the presence of two souls in Harry’s body and that drew them more towards him than others. The dementors go after Harry in the Harry Potter books mainly cause of his childhood trauma which resulted in his parents dying in front of his eyes.

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Who do the Dementors work for?

The Ministry was able to control the Dementors. They employed them as guards for their sole prison. The Dementors had the ability to hear, acknowledge and obey commands from wizards.

Why does chocolate help with Dementors?

It is possible that chocolate is used to ward off the effects following meeting a Dementor as it has chemicals inside it that stimulate the release of endorphins, which are chemicals produced by the body to combat stress and pain; often leading to feeling of increased happiness.

Do Dementors protect Hogwarts?

They were entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the prisoners of Azkaban, and later on, they were brought in to Hogwarts and certain other areas for ensuring safety. However, despite of being ordered not to attack or affect innocents, we see them attacking Harry on multiple occasions.

What comes out of Sirius Black’s mouth?

A Dementor attempting a kiss on Sirius is witnessed in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in which his soul is being sucked out his mouth in the form of a small, glowing, white dot, but the Dementors are fought off by Harry’s Patronus before they can finish this.

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Why did the Dementors only attack Harry Potter?

In a whimsical sense, the reason the Dementors only attacked Harry was because Harry was the only person in the train that the Dementors felt the most despair and tragedy due to the death of his parents and his abusive childhood with his aunt, uncle, and cousin.

Did Dolores Umbridge order the Dementors to attack Harry Potter?

It was later revealed that Dolores Umbridge, a Ministry bureaucrat who served as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and one of Harry’s prosecutors during the hearing, had secretly ordered the Dementors to attack Harry in the first place.

Was Harry’s encounter with the Dementor a coincidence?

Personally I think it was NOT a coincidence. The Dementor could have attacked any other cart. But remember, Harry has a piece of Voldemort’s soul from when Voldemort tried to kill Harry in him as well. The Dementor could have have seen the presence of a dark wizard and thought it was Sirius Black.

Why were the Dementors sent by the Ministry of magic?

The Dementors were sent by the Ministry of Magic to hunt down Sirius Black, the (falsely) convicted murderer who escaped Askaban prison, the first time any convict has escaped. Dementors were on the way to Hogwarts when their natural instincts for feeding on happy memory sensed Harry, the most reasonably depressed person on the train, a