
Why does it take a different time to fly East to West than it does to fly west to east between the same two points?

Why does it take a different time to fly East to West than it does to fly west to east between the same two points?

The main reason for the difference in travel time is due to the jet stream. The jet stream is high altitude wind that blows from the west to the east across the globe. Next time you fly, pay attention to the duration of the flight and you will notice a shorter time for an eastbound flight versus a westbound flight.

Why does it take longer to fly east to west?

The reason it took so much longer to fly back is the jet stream, a river of fast-moving air high up in the sky. Jet streams are usually about 100 miles wide. Jet streams generally blow from the west to the east around the Earth, often following a meandering, curved path just like a river on land.

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Why does it take so long to fly to Australia?

The reason it takes so long to travel from Australia to America is because the Pacific Ocean sits between. And because Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere and North America is (surprise surprise) in the Northern Hemisphere, that means going diagonally as well, right across the equator.

Why does flying north take longer?

As you move north (or south) from the equator, you are moving closer to the axis of the Earth and so the air which started at the equator and moved north (or south) will be moving faster than the ground it is over (it has the rotation speed of the ground at the equator, not the ground which is is now over).

Why is it slower to fly west?

So actually, the Earth’s rotation really makes flying from east to west slower. The real reason flights from west to east are quicker is down to jet streams. Jet streams are air pockets high up in the Earth’s atmosphere which move in a wavy pattern from west to east.

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Are flights faster going east or west?

Jet streams are, at their most basic, high-altitude air currents caused by atmospheric heating and the inertia of the earth’s rotation—and they’re the reason why flights from west to east are faster than the same route traversed in the opposite direction. …

How long would it take to get to Australia?

19 hours, 26 minutes

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How many types of flies are there in Australia?

While there are about 30,000 species of fly in Australia, we only really come into contact with four groups: the bush fly, house fly, blowfly, and the mosquito. Some, like the bush fly, are born from eggs laid in animal dung. They hatch into larvae, which feed off the dung, and then pupate in a cocoon like a butterfly.

What are the best flies for trout fly fishing in Australia?

These are our top 10 recommended best flies for trout fly fishing proven on our years of fly fishing in Australia and New Zealand. Bushy’s Emerger Dun. A hatch late in the afternoon or evening is more often or not a grey mayfly hence a Bushy’s Emerger Dun grey body would be used.

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Why are flies attracted to people in Australia?

Had diverse careers and experience. Flies love this…. We have a lot of both in Australia. The flies are also attracted to the moisture (sweat) on people’s skin. Should I hire remote software developers from

Do flies see the world in slow motion?

The answer is that, compared with you and me, flies essentially see the world in slow motion. To illustrate this, have a look at a clock with a ticking hand. As a human, you see the clock ticking…