
Why does Thanos want to wipe out half the population?

Why does Thanos want to wipe out half the population?

Many years prior to the film his planet was experiencing a cataclysmic shift. They were running out of resources, and they were overpopulated. Thanos made a recommendation that they exterminate half the population randomly in order to save the rest of the population.

Why did Thanos need all 6 stones for the snap?

The power of the infinity stones get amplified several times when all of them are together. So he needed all six of them to wipe out half the universe with a snap of his fingers. This act of his drew out so much power, that the gauntlet itself wasn’t able to sustain it.

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Why did Thanos need all stones?

Thanos thinks that if he kills half of all life in the universe, he’ll restore balance. To do so, he needs all six Infinity Stones to power his Infinity Gauntlet, which in turn will give him the ability to bend time, space, energy, and the laws of physics and reality.

Was Thanos right or wrong?

Yes. He is actually right in principle. Checking the overgrown population of the universe, will definitely lead to more food and resources. But his ideology of killing half the population of the universe, is wrong.

Why did Thanos wait so long to destroy the stones?

Because there were already many obstacles and defenders for the universe ! Thanos had the Mind Stone, but he knew it’s insufficient for his purpose without the other 5 Infinity Stones. The Time Stone was protected in the safekeeping of the Ancient One.

Why didn’t the universe collapse when Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones?

The Stones are not annihilated, they have not ceased to exist. Thanos reduced them to atoms so they are spread out and impossible to father up and put into a new Gauntlet for the Avengers to use.

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Was Thanos’ Quest for the Infinity Stones successful?

Thanos’ quest for the Infinity Stones was shown nearly in its entirety in the third Avengers film, and he was ultimately successful in his plan to wipe out half of all life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Why did Thanos need the Infinity Gauntlet?

Thanos needed the complete Infinity Gauntlet in order to carry through on his genocidal plan, and even having most of the Stones wouldn’t allow him to wipe out half of the universe with a snap of his fingers.

How did Thanos get the Soul Stone from Nebula?

When Nebula declined joining the Guardians in Vol. 2 to seek revenge on their adoptive father, she fell right into Thanos’ hands – and ultimately, so did the Soul Stone. Furthermore, Thanos, a being “cursed with knowledge ,” had studied Earth’s heroes (including Tony Stark) and knew they would assemble to try to stop him.

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Why did Thanos win the MCU final battle?

Thanos knew exactly who he was up against and what they could do. Even his Black Order is too weak to defeat those heroes without all of the Infinity Stones. In the end, Thanos won because he played the MCU like a master chess player.