
Why was Germany so aggressive at the start of WW1?

Why was Germany so aggressive at the start of WW1?

Germany sought to break up the French-Russian alliance and was fully prepared to take the risk that this would bring about a major war. Some in the German elite welcomed the prospect of beginning an expansionist war of conquest. The response of Russia, France and later Britain were reactive and defensive.

Why was Germany so powerful in WW1?

They managed to resolve almost every problem the shortages of raw materials gave them apart from food. Like the UK, and France, Germany also had an empire it also had a strong manufacturing power base, also like WW2 prior to WW1 Germany spent considerably on advancing and developing its military.

What was Germany’s aggression?

Between 1935 and 1939, Nazi Germany began taking aggressive steps toward rebuilding the German military and expanding the Third Reich across Europe. At the same time, Nazi hostility toward Jews within the Reich intensified, culminating in the 1938 pogroms known as Kristallnacht.

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What did Germany want to gain from ww1?

“The major cause of World War I was Imperial Germany’s determination to become a “world power” or superpower by crippling Russia and France in what it hoped would be a brief and decisive war, like the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.”

What was the earliest act of aggression committed by Germany?

But they were too scared to stand up to the bully.

  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty.
  • Hitlers first act of aggression was when he defied the terms of the Versailles Treaty, Hitler ordered Germany to begin rebuilding its military shortly after he became chancellor.

Why did Germany fight a two front war?

Germany had to fight a war on two fronts. It wanted to defeat France, Russia’s ally, quickly, so that it could concentrate on the more powerful enemy in the east. The border between France and Germany was heavily fortified. Belgium’s army fought bravely against the Germans but could not stop them.

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What did Germany do wrong in ww1?

So Germany kept pushing its ally despite calls for peace from the rest of Europe. Finally, Austria agreed and attacked Serbia, which caused the Russians to come to Serbia’s aid, which forced Germany to back Austria and France to back Russia. That’s why Germany takes the blame for World War I.