
Why YAGNI is bad?

Why YAGNI is bad?

“You aren’t gonna need it” (acronym: YAGNI) is a principle of extreme programming (XP) that states a programmer should not add functionality until deemed necessary. This is the most misinterpreted and hence awful, hazardous, and detrimental principle ever stated in the Book of the Wrong Advises for Developers.

What is a benefit of drying up code?

Advantages of DRY When you fix a problem in one, you could easily forget to fix the problem in other occurrences. Also, if you have to modify the logic, you have to copy-paste all over the place. By having non-repeated code, you only have to maintain the code in a single place.

What is YAGNI software development?

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“You aren’t gonna need it” (YAGNI) is a principle which arose from extreme programming (XP) that states a programmer should not add functionality until deemed necessary.

Does the simplest thing work?

The most important rule in our development is always to do the simplest thing that could possibly work. Not the most stupid thing, not something that clearly can’t work. But simplicity is the most important contributor to the ability to make rapid progress.

What are the basic software engineering principles that should be followed?

Seven basic principles of software engineering

  • (1) manage using a phased life-cycle plan.
  • (2) perform continuous validation.
  • (3) maintain disciplined product control.
  • (4) use modern programming practices.
  • (5) maintain clear accountability for results.
  • (6) use better and fewer people.

What is the Do not repeat self principle?

The Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states that duplication in logic should be eliminated via abstraction; duplication in process should be eliminated via automation.

When should you not DRY a program?

Premature Refactoring You shouldn’t apply the DRY principle if your business logic doesn’t have any duplication yet. Again, it depends of the context, but, as a rule of thumb, trying to apply DRY to something which is only used in one place can lead to premature generalization.

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What is the good example for dry principle?

Redundancies in logic When the DRY principle is followed, for example, a software developer should be able to change code in one place, and have the change automatically applied to every instance of the code in question.

What does the Yagni principle suggest?

Yagni originally is an acronym that stands for “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”. It is a mantra from ExtremeProgramming that’s often used generally in agile software teams. It’s a statement that some capability we presume our software needs in the future should not be built now because “you aren’t gonna need it”.

What is the importance of engineering principles in developing software?

Software engineering principles, when executed consistently and properly, ensure that your software development process continually runs smoothly, efficiently and delivers high-quality applications.

Why do you think the principles of software engineering are essential to follow to develop successful software?

Software engineering is important because specific software is needed in almost every industry, in every business, and for every function. It becomes more important as time goes on – if something breaks within your application portfolio, a quick, efficient, and effective fix needs to happen as soon as possible.

What is the importance of not repeating yourself in programming?

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Is YAGNI a good programming language?

YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It) is a good guiding principle to bear in mind. But it should not be a religion. Many problems are subsets of some general problem, and solving the general problem, with your subset as a special example, can often lead to cleaner, better designed code that is actually faster to write.

What does YAGNI say about adding functionality to a project?

YAGNI says- do not add any functionality until it’s deemed necessary; in other words, write the code which you need in the current situation. Don’t add anything if you think will need it. Add your code logic for the present, don’t think of what may be needed in the future.

What does the acronym YAGNI stand for?

Yagni originally is an acronym that stands for “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”. It is a mantra from ExtremeProgramming that’s often used generally in agile software teams.

Do you need YAGNI pricing functions?

Yagni says not to do this, because you may not need the other pricing functions, or if you do your current ideas of what abstractions you’ll need will not match what you learn when you do actually need them.