
Will replicators ever be possible?

Will replicators ever be possible?

It simply forms the necessary atoms and molecules from bulk matter, into a transporter pattern stored in the replicator’s memory. If you’re asking whether they’re possible today, however: no. Transporters existed long before replicators were even able to produce edible food.

Can Star Trek replicators make living things?

In Star Trek the original series food was created in various colored cubes. However, other replicators such as the ones used by the aliens in the TNG episode Allegiance could create living things, including the brains many trillions of dendric connections where memory is stored.

Why is there no money in Star Trek?

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry set the series in a future where money is obsolete. In “Star Trek,” members of the federation live in a post-money society: Everyone has the basics, nobody has to work, and ordering what you need is as easy as telling a replicator, “Tea.

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How does the economy work in Star Trek?

In Star Trek, most economic value is created by essentially free goods. That is the simple explanation as to why we don’t see money exchanged. The free goods that are provided from housing to technology to services and to Earth and Earth orbit transportation are what would $100 millionaires can get today.

Did Enterprise have replicators?

Replicators are the worst thing ever. While replicators weren’t standard in Starfleet until the 24rd century, they even showed up on the 22nd century show Star Trek: Enterprise when the NX-01 visited a mysterious alien repair facility.

When did Star Trek get replicators?

24th century
The term “replicator” originated on Star Trek: The Next Generation, portrayed as a 24th century advancement from the 23rd century “food synthesizer” seen in Star Trek: The Original Series.

Do corporations exist in Star Trek?

Corporations still exist within the Star Trek universe but appear to have largely disappeared from the Federation (and do not exist in several other societies either). The Federation is a post-scarcity society where corporations, entities that exist to seek profit, would have no value.

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What economy is Star Trek?

The eighth chapter deals with the Ferengis, an economically powerful alien species in the Star Trek universe, with an economy based on trade and capitalism. They are profit seekers, and all profit seekers can change.

Do Starfleet officers get paid?

No money in the Federation! So, if in their time Starfleet officers are not paid a salary, that doesn’t mean they don’t know what money is and what it’s used for!

Did they have replicators in TOS?

Yes, replicators did exist in ToS. But they were not quite the same as the replicators seen in TNG.

How many industrial replicators are needed to build a Star Trek fleet?

In this manner, as few as 15 industrial replicators are enough to replicate the components needed to build a fleet of starships or to help a civilization recover from a planet-wide natural disaster. By virtually eliminating material scarcity, replicator technology plays an important role in the moneyless human economy within the Star Trek universe.

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What will the 24th century Star Trek economy look like?

One of the most inspiring aspects of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek franchise is that in the 24th century, the galactic economy will no longer be rooted in democratic capitalism. It will exist on a meritocratic system, where instead of remuneration for services rendered, Federation citizens will go into fields for the betterment of their species.

Is the Star Trek universe meant to exist without money?

The Star Trek universe is meant to exist without money… but that doesn’t actually make sense, even with replicators to help. One of the most inspiring aspects of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek franchise is that in the 24th century, the galactic economy will no longer be rooted in democratic capitalism.

What is replication in Star Trek?

Replication is also used by the Holodeck program to allow food, clothes, and other objects belonging within a simulation to be used or consumed by the participants. Starfleet ‘s safety protocols prevent unauthorized replication of dangerous objects, such as weapons and poisonous substances.