Why do colleges inflate grades?

Why do colleges inflate grades? While inflated high school grades may make college admissions more challenging, grades remain highly predictive of college preparedness, and admissions offices can adjust to applicants’ higher average GPAs by adjusting their GPA expectations or focusing on class rank. Is grade inflation a real thing? Some pretty credible people, armed with pretty credible evidence say grade inflation – getting better grades for the same work or


Which instrument has the lowest range of notes?

Which instrument has the lowest range of notes? Have you ever heard of classical music’s lowest (and rarest) string instrument? It’s called the octobass (a.k.a. octobasse) and was built in 1850 by French instrument maker Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume. It is tuned two octaves below a cello and stands a 12-feet tall. What kinds of instruments play low notes? Bass instruments play the lowest-pitched tones, close to the lower ranges of human


Can magnetic field lines of two different magnets intersect each other?

Can magnetic field lines of two different magnets intersect each other? Originally Answered: Can the magnetic field lines of two different bar magnets intersect each other? Nope they can never intersect each other. If direction of magnetic lines is same then they will tend to expand and in turn will exert a lateral pressure which is nothing but repulsion. Can two lines of force intersect each other? Two lines of


How do I check for Lollipop update?

How do I check for Lollipop update? To check if an update is available: Open your device’s Settings app. Tap Security. Check for an update: To check if a security update is available, tap Google Security Check-Up. To check if a Google Play system update is available, tap Google Play system update. Follow any steps on the screen. How can I update my Android 4.4 2 to KitKat? Go to


What did Otto von Bismarck do to unify Germany?

What did Otto von Bismarck do to unify Germany? In the 1860s, Otto von Bismarck, then Minister President of Prussia, provoked three short, decisive wars against Denmark, Austria, and France, aligning the smaller German states behind Prussia in its defeat of France. In 1871 he unified Germany into a nation-state, forming the German Empire. How did Bismarck unify Germany through war quizlet? Bismarck used war, trickery, and propaganda to unify


Can I fly a drone over cars?

Can I fly a drone over cars? The small unmanned aircraft does not maintain sustained flight over any person unless that person is participating directly in the operation or located under a covered structure or inside a stationary vehicle that can provide reasonable protection from a falling small unmanned aircraft. Can I fly my drone over a motorway? Never fly near airports (obviously), schools, churches, and stadiums. The same applies


What is AMP Edition Zotac?

What is AMP Edition Zotac? ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP edition is the first AMP graphics card launched in 2008. Graphics Cards labeled with AMP raise the performance bar of what to expect: faster speed, stronger cooling, better performance. Is it worth upgrading GTX 1060? Better use it for another year or two as GTX 1060 is still a great GPU for 1080p gaming. It can still run many modern games


What does the phrase Four score and seven years ago mean?

What does the phrase Four score and seven years ago mean? Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address begins with the words, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” A score is another way of saying 20, so Lincoln was referring to 1776, which was 87 … What does Lincoln mean


Do green smoothies really help you lose weight?

Do green smoothies really help you lose weight? Green smoothies won’t inherently make you fat, but the ingredients you add to your green smoothies could be adding unhealthy sugars, empty calories, and harmful additives to your diet. The effect? A decrease in your metabolism that makes it harder to shed unwanted pounds and lose weight. How many green smoothies should you drink a day for weight loss? Here are the


Are Epiphone acoustic guitar good?

Are Epiphone acoustic guitar good? Epiphone makes great guitars for beginners and can be a good guitar for experienced players for travel, road, or practice guitar. Some of the parts are a little less than the flagship Gibson models but they still are good instruments to play and many artists prefer them to the more expensive Gibson models. Is Epiphone a bad guitar? Epiphones arent bad, excellent starters, but as