Why does alcohol freeze lower?

Why does alcohol freeze lower? Water molecules are more attracted to each other than ethanol (alcohol) molecules, because water has more hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen. So, that’s why alcohol has a much lower freezing point – -114.7 degrees Celsius (-174.6 degrees Fahrenheit), as opposed to water’s freezing point of 0 degrees C (32 degrees F.) Does alcohol freeze to the top or bottom? The higher the proof of a


What are slang names for cigarettes?

What are slang names for cigarettes? Synonyms bine (Britain, slang) blem (Multicultural London English) bogie, boagie. cancerette (derogatory slang) cancer stick (slang) cig (informal) cigaret (dated) cigarette. What do Kiwis call cigarettes? Durrie: Cigarette. “Hey bro, lend us a durrie!” What are the 4 types of smokers? Fresh and Fit: Four types of smokers Social smokers. Social smokers are a small subset of people (up to about 30 percent) who


Can someone piggyback your phone?

Can someone piggyback your phone? If your phone has been handled by someone else, for instance during repairs or for some other reason, a backdoor application could have been installed to piggyback your GPS service or spy software could have been installed on your mobile device. And some of this software is very powerful indeed. Can someone steal your mobile data? 4. Bluetooth hacking. Any wireless connection may be vulnerable


Why is ghosting so hurtful?

Why is ghosting so hurtful? ‘What’s so challenging about ghosting, is that you have an expectation of hearing back and then you don’t,’ Ury explains. ‘So it’s also the pain of expectations not meeting reality, and it’s a form of rejection, because it’s someone inadvertently saying they don’t want to be with you. What to do when someone keeps ghosting you? The best plan is treat your ghost as if


What is the 1 trick in math?

What is the 1 trick in math? Trick 1: Think of a number Multiply by 2. Subtract 2. Divide by 2. Subtract your original number. Everyone’s final answer will be 1. Is there a human calculator? Scott Flansburg (born December 28, 1963) is an American dubbed “The Human Calculator” and listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for speed of mental calculation. He is the annual host and ambassador


How did Jehoiakim king of Judah die?

How did Jehoiakim king of Judah die? According to some, he died in Jerusalem before the Sanhedrin could comply with the demand made by Nebuchadnezzar, who therefore had to be content with the king’s body, which was cast to him over the walls. Another version says that he died while being let down over the wall. When did King Jehoiakim die? 598 BC Jehoiakim/Date of death What does Jehoiakim mean


Does a carpenter build furniture?

Does a carpenter build furniture? Carpenters traditionally worked with natural wood and did rougher work such as framing, but today many other materials are also used and sometimes the finer trades of cabinetmaking and furniture building are considered carpentry. Carpenters are usually the first tradesmen on a job and the last to leave. Can a carpenter make a sofa? So, why not contact a carpenter? They can create the furniture


What removes RNA primer in eukaryotes?

What removes RNA primer in eukaryotes? The group of cellular enzymes that remove RNA primers include the proteins FEN1 (flap endonulcease 1) and RNase H. The enzymes FEN1 and RNase H remove RNA primers at the start of each leading strand and at the start of each Okazaki fragment, leaving gaps of unreplicated template DNA. Which of the following enzymes removes RNA primers from the replicating DNA strand? DNA Replication


What is Malfoy trying to do in the Half Blood Prince?

What is Malfoy trying to do in the Half Blood Prince? In the sixth book called the Half Blood Prince, Draco is charged with the responsibility to find a way to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts and to kill Dumbledore. He can’t say no to Voldemort and this action might redeem his father’s standing in the Death Eater community. Is Hogwarts connected to the floo network? The Floo Network Authority


How do computers make sure the CPU does not overheat?

How do computers make sure the CPU does not overheat? Thermal paste is usually a highly conductive material that is applied between CPU/GPU and heatsinks. This paste ensures that the heat is properly moved out of the PC. Do new CPUs run hot? Computer processors are designed to run at high temperatures and it’s completely normal for a CPU to heat up and to actually get very warm. A computer’s