Can a person ever weigh 1000 pounds?

Can a person ever weigh 1000 pounds? A 17-year-old boy who once weighed more than 1,000 pounds has walked for the first time in his teenage life. Khaled Mohsen Al Shaeri, of Saudi Arabia, has lost 700 pounds— about half of his weight— since being on an intensive hospital fitness routine, Central European News (CEN) reported. Is it possible to go from obese to skinny? Researchers say less than 1


Which is better Python Django or flask?

Which is better Python Django or flask? Django is considered to be more popular because it provides many out of box features and reduces time to build complex applications. Flask is a good start if you are getting into web development. Flask is a simple, unopinionated framework; it doesn’t decide what your application should look like – developers do. Which is easier Django or flask? In sum, usually, Flask is


What is meant by arc welding?

What is meant by arc welding? Arc welding is a type of welding process using an electric arc to create heat to melt and join metals. A power supply creates an electric arc between a consumable or non-consumable electrode and the base material using either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) currents. What is arc welding most commonly used for? Shielded metal arc welding, frequently referred to as stick welding, is


Is it normal for a 13 year old to be sad?

Is it normal for a 13 year old to be sad? It’s normal for young people to go through ups and downs. Their sad feelings can last several days. When they’re sad, teenagers sometimes have trouble sleeping, eating, concentrating or getting motivated. But depression is more than just sadness or moodiness – it’s a serious mental health disorder. Do 13 year olds have mood swings? Thirteen-year-olds are dealing with hormonal


When motion is the normal component of acceleration is zero?

When motion is the normal component of acceleration is zero? Q. When can the acceleration of an object be zero? Yes. Typically, if the velocity is a constant, then the acceleration is zero. Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity. So as long as the velocity does not change (no matter what value it has), the acceleration is zero. How do you know when the acceleration is zero?


How long did the Kon-Tiki voyage take?

How long did the Kon-Tiki voyage take? 101 days After 101 days at sea the Kon-Tiki ran aground on a coral reef by the Raroia atoll in Polynesia. The expedition had been an unconditional success, and Thor Heyerdahl and his crew had demonstrated that South American peoples could in fact have journeyed to the islands of the South Pacific by balsa raft. How did Thor Heyerdahl cross the Pacific? Heyerdahl


Could there be dinosaurs in the ocean?

Could there be dinosaurs in the ocean? There are no known aquatic dinosaurs. It would not be impossible for dinosaurs to evolve to live in water (though being air breathers they would not be able to live permanently deep underwater) just as whales evolved from mammals. Did any big dinosaurs survive? Survivors. Alligators & Crocodiles: These sizeable reptiles survived–even though other large reptiles did not. Birds: Birds are the only


What people with Aspergers are like?

What people with Aspergers are like? 10 Characteristics of a Person with Asperger’s Syndrome Intellectual or Artistic Interest. Speech Differences. Delayed Motor Development. Poor Social Skills. The Development of Harmful Psychological Problems. Detail-oriented. Persistence. Not Socially-driven. What is the science behind Asperger’s? Your mother is correct that the scientific evidence points to the brain of people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome as being different but not necessarily “disordered.” Studies have


What is interpolation in simple words?

What is interpolation in simple words? interpolate \in-TER-puh-layt\ verb. 1 a : to alter or corrupt (something, such as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter. b : to insert (words) into a text or into a conversation. 2 : to insert between other things or parts : intercalate. 3 : to estimate values of (data or a function) between two known values. What is interpolation in Python? Interpolation


How do I find customers for my B2B business?

How do I find customers for my B2B business? 10 Ways Your Small Business Can Attract More B2B Clients in 2019 Launch a new product or service. Max out the potential of your CRM. Give digital marketing a try. Ask your current clients for referrals. Use Facebook and SEO for local business. Use direct mail to stand out. Get a booth at a trade show. How do you create a