Do ants take care of aphids?

Do ants take care of aphids? Ants and aphids have a symbiotic relationship. The ants provide protection from any predators that might go after the aphids. The aphids, in return, provide food for the ants. All aphids excrete a waste product called honeydew. Do ants make aphids worse? This misunderstanding of ant behavior has led some gardeners to assume that all ants are bad pest insects because they cause aphid


Which language is used for scientific?

Which language is used for scientific? English is certainly the language of science in the modern world, with an estimated 98\% of all scientific publications being written in the language. But it hasn’t always been that way. Before the 17th century, scientific publications were mostly written in Latin. Which scientist developed the first computer language? The first computer programming language was created in 1883, when a woman named Ada Lovelace


How can I cheat without my boyfriend finding out?

How can I cheat without my boyfriend finding out? 10 Ways Cheaters Avoid Getting Caught, According To The Cheaters Themselves According to Ashley Madison, cheaters also do the following seven things to avoid getting caught: Stay tight-lipped. Go the distance. Hide the evidence. Foolproof your phone . Maintain the status quo. Use a condom. Don’t leave a paper trail. How do you keep cheating a secret? Consider the following: Situations


Can you get human DNA from feces?

Can you get human DNA from feces? The content of human DNA in stool is very small, although the total DNA that can be recovered is very high due to bacterial contribution. DNA from cells sloughed from the colonic mucosa represents as little as 0.1 to 0.01\% of the total DNA recoverable from stool. Why is extracting DNA difficult? The extraction of good quality DNA with a high yield is


How do you know what she wants from you?

How do you know what she wants from you? 8 Signs A Girl Likes You And Wants You to Chase Her She tells her friends about you. She responds promptly to texts. She misses you. She finds a way to be close by. She initiates contact. She isn’t comfortable with you being too close to other females. She subtly keeps you updated on her itinerary. How do you know if


What is the use of fins in engine?

What is the use of fins in engine? The fins enhance the heat transfer rate from a surface by exposing larger surface area to convection. The fins are used on the surface where the heat transfer Coefficient is very low. Total heat produced by the combustion of charge in the engine cylinder may not convert into useful power at the crankshaft. What is the function of fins in the cooling


What is the best way to learn about the world?

What is the best way to learn about the world? Learn about the World Without Leave Home with These Great Ideas Pin a World Map. Do Puzzles Together. Read Multicultural Books. Have Fun with World Activities and Crafts. Learn a Language. Celebrate World Holidays. Cook Dishes of the World. Listen to Music from Around the World. How can we understand the world around us? Through language, we understand ourselves, each


How far can you fall into water?

How far can you fall into water? There is no limit to how high you can fall into water. You’ll probably die if it’s more than 5 stories but you didn’t say “and live.” You can fall into water from 24 miles up. You’ll die, but it can happen. But you won’t die if you wear a parachute. Does your heart explode when you fall? In that brief instant, cells


How do you find the area of a sector of an ellipse?

How do you find the area of a sector of an ellipse? Scale the entire figure along the y direction by a factor of a/b. The ellipse becomes a circle of radius a, and the two angles become tan−1(abtanθ1) and tan−1(abtanθ2). The area of the original elliptical sector is b/a times the area of the circular sector between these two angles, which is straightforward to find. How do you find


What are 10 examples of proteins?

What are 10 examples of proteins? Top 10 Protein Foods Fish. Seafood. Skinless, white-meat poultry. Lean beef (including tenderloin, sirloin, eye of round) Skim or low-fat milk. Skim or low-fat yogurt. Fat-free or low-fat cheese. Eggs. What are common protein examples? Learning Outcomes Table 1. Protein Types and Functions Type Examples Transport Hemoglobin, albumin Structural Actin, tubulin, keratin Hormones Insulin, thyroxine What are 5 types of proteins? 5 Types of