Can lovers be best friends again?

Can lovers be best friends again? Being friends after a relationship is possible but it’s always good to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons and to keep checking in with yourself that your feelings are still platonic and only you can know that. Can friends really become lovers? Key points. Nearly 70 percent of romances may begin as friendships, new research suggests. Only 18 percent of people


Has life been created in a test tube?

Has life been created in a test tube? Craig Venter Institute in San Diego, California, announced that they had created synthetic “minimal” cells. The genome in each cell contained just 473 key genes thought to be essential for life. The cells were named JCVI-syn3. Has anyone created life in a lab? Scientists at JCVI constructed the first cell with a synthetic genome in 2010. They destroyed the DNA in those


What can make you better at math?

What can make you better at math? How to Get Better at Math (While Spending Less Time Studying) Tip #1: Break Down Complex Problems Into Simpler Ones. Tip # 2: Use Simple Numbers. Tip #3: Review the Underlying Concepts. Tip #4: Get Step-by-Step Instructions from an Online Tool. Tip #5: Don’t Rush Your Homework. Learning Math Can Be Satisfying. What are some things you’ve had to unlearn? Lessons and Beliefs


What should I avoid in Europe?

What should I avoid in Europe? 12 Things Not To Do In Europe Do Not Litter. Do Not Beckon The Waiter By Waving. Do Not Use The Bicycle Lanes For Walking. Do Not Skip The First Verse Of German National Anthem. Do not Assume That Everyone Knows English. Avoid Making Much Noise. Do Not Leave A Bigger Tip Than Required. Avoid Jaywalking. What is the most interesting country in Europe?


Does Darth Vader remember being Anakin?

Does Darth Vader remember being Anakin? Yes, he remembers his name but feels it has no meaning to him anymore. some of the time he even has flasbacks to when he was anakin. Vader has flasbacks when he’s c-3po, flasbacks to his childhood and his life as a slave. when boba tells him the name skywalker, he remembers his wife Padme. Why is Darth Vader so popular? Originally Answered: why


What color looks good on a fawn dog?

What color looks good on a fawn dog? try black, white, olive green, grey, light pink, orange, light blue etc. How do I know what color collar to get my dog? For a cool-toned dog (like a blue merle, black, or a silvery-blue dog), choose a warm-toned collar such as orange, fuschia, or red. If you have a dark dog, choose a lighter collar. If you have a light-colored dog,


Should I get a tattoo if my husband doesnt want me to?

Should I get a tattoo if my husband doesnt want me to? You should get that tattoo especially BECAUSE your husband doesn’t want you to. It will help him learn you have the right to make your own choices snd he doesn’t always get his way. How do I convince my girlfriend to not get a tattoo? I would suggest that you not make your argument about her and what


Is bright red blood in stool dangerous?

Is bright red blood in stool dangerous? In most cases, the bright red blood in stools is not an immediate threat to life. The most common causes are piles, anal polyps, anal fissures and colitis (inflammation of the large bowel). These conditions may cause recurrent episodes of blood loss and affect quality of life, but they are not fatal. When should I go to the doctor for bright red blood


What did extra extra mean?

What did extra extra mean? Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Cliché stock phrase from the 1890s through the 1940s used to denote breaking news! In the old days before TV, radio, and the Internet, most people who followed the news got their information from the newspapers, which were (and still are) normally published at best on a daily basis. When the newsies were yelling out extra extra on the


Is 101 pounds overweight for a 12-year-old?

Is 101 pounds overweight for a 12-year-old? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , a 12-year-old boy’s weight usually falls between 67 and 130 pounds, and the 50th percentile weight for boys is 89 pounds. If your child is in the 75th percentile, it means that out of 100 kids their age, 25 may weigh more and 75 may weigh less. Is 101 pounds a lot?