What deficiency causes grooves in fingernails?

What deficiency causes grooves in fingernails? Our nails naturally develop slight vertical ridges as we age. However, severe and raised ridges can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia. Nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B12 or keratin can result in fingernail ridges. Hormonal changes can also cause ridges to appear. Can lupus cause nail ridges? Grooves across the fingernails (Beau’s lines) These could


How long does a 15000 ft skydive take?

How long does a 15000 ft skydive take? 60 seconds Jumping from the highest altitude possible in the UK, the 15,000ft skydive is a pulse-racing freefall of up to 60 seconds! The excitement builds as our plane takes you up to 10,000ft before an unbeatable adrenaline rush as you freefall for 30 seconds. How long does it take you to skydive? While your freefall time will vary, you can expect


What to do when your exams are near?

What to do when your exams are near? Remember: you’ve got this. Give yourself enough time to study. via GIPHY. Organize your study space. via GIPHY. Use flow charts and diagrams. via GIPHY. Practice on old exams. via GIPHY. Explain your answers to others. via GIPHY. Organize study groups with friends. via GIPHY. Take regular breaks. via GIPHY. Snack on brain food. How do I stop being overconfident before an


Why is my water heater vent dripping water?

Why is my water heater vent dripping water? When natural gas or propane gas is burning inside the combustion chamber of your gas heater, the flue gases are released. They contain lots of moisture, and when it is chilled below the “dew point,” the condensate forms. The “dew point” is the temperature when the water vapor turns into a liquid. What comes out of water heater exhaust? Exhaust gases contain


Why is it bad to own a fox?

Why is it bad to own a fox? Foxes require a lot of time, energy, money and expertise that most people simply don’t have. Most animal advocacy groups strongly advise against keeping a fox as a pet. Although they’re fun to look at, foxes should usually be left to live non-domesticated lives in their natural habitat. What are the cons of owning a fox? They are not domesticated and have


What is the weight of 1 milligram?

What is the weight of 1 milligram? The milligram is the mass equal to 1/1,000 of a gram, or 0.0154 grains. The milligram, or milligramme, is an SI unit of weight in the metric system. In the metric system, “milli” is the prefix for 10-3. Milligrams can be abbreviated as mg; for example, 1 milligram can be written as 1 mg. How much does 4 mg weigh? Milligrams to Grams


Can air be called fluid?

Can air be called fluid? Yes! A fluids is any substance that flows. Air is made of stuff, air particles, that are loosely held together in a gas form. Although liquids are the most commonly recognized fluids, gasses are also fluids. Are water and air both fluids? A: Water acts like air, according to Bernoulli’s principle, because both are fluids. A fluid is a substance that has no fixed shape


Do you need a cable box for every TV in your house?

Do you need a cable box for every TV in your house? If you have more than one TV in your home and want them to all be able to access basic cable channels independently, each TV will require that you rent a box from your cable provider. This inconvenience means an added expense to rent or buy a cable DVR or TIVO to record TV shows from cable. What


Is it okay to not invite your parents to your wedding?

Is it okay to not invite your parents to your wedding? Yes. If you are having a wedding, they should be invited. It’s the right thing to do. If you really don’t want them at your wedding, elope. Do you have to invite your parents to your wedding? Wedding Party’s Family The short answer is no, it’s not necessary to invite the families of your wedding party. However, if they


How do you deal with a Coparent sociopath?

How do you deal with a Coparent sociopath? Well, there are many ways you can take back the control when it comes to co-parenting. Establish a legal parenting plan. Take advantage of court services. Maintain firm boundaries. Parent with empathy. Avoid speaking ill of the other parent in front of the kids. Avoid emotional arguments. Expect challenges. Document everything. What does a judge look for in a custody battle? They