What are some great life lessons?

What are some great life lessons? 10 important life lessons we are often taught too late Walk your own path. People like to judge other people. Don’t hesitate when you should act. Experience what you have learned. Good things don’t come easy. Never fail to try more. Take care of your health early. Make every moment count. Live and let live. What is your biggest learn from the past year?


What does a Navy lieutenant commander do?

What does a Navy lieutenant commander do? Lieutenant Commander (LCDR/O-4) The LCDR serves as a Department Head or Executive Officer on a ship, aircraft squadron or submarine. LCDR’s on SEAL Teams serve as Executive Officers. Other potential assignments include Commanding Officer of a Minesweeper or Patrol Craft. Do Navy Seals see combat? Yes, all Navy SEALS will see a lot of combat unless they are injured during training or die


Why does paracetamol reduce fever?

Why does paracetamol reduce fever? Paracetamol seems to work by blocking chemical messengers in the brain that tell us we have pain. Paracetamol also reduces fever by affecting the chemical messengers in an area of the brain that regulates body temperature. When will I feel better? Paracetamol takes up to an hour to work. Can you take paracetamol to prevent fever? Introduction. Paracetamol is a commonly used medicine that can


Why do we need elections Brainly?

Why do we need elections Brainly? Answer: Elections are a democratic way of selecting representatives. Elections help voters to choose representatives who will make laws for them, form the government and take major decisions. The voters can choose the party whose policies will guide the government and law making. Why do we need elections Class 11? Ans. Elections are a democratic way of selecting representatives. They ensure that the representatives


Can you get hacked by ads?

Can you get hacked by ads? An especially sneaky type of hack is on the rise. Hackers can infect your computer by piggybacking on Web ads — even on trusted websites. But that’s still half a million times our computers could get infected. Hackers have used malvertising to steal bank account information and lock up files to hold them for ransom. Are ads on websites safe? Sometimes you don’t have


What to do when you dont get paid as a freelancer?

What to do when you dont get paid as a freelancer? If this happens—it’s time to follow a simple process. Step 1 – Give the Client the Benefit of the Doubt. Step 2 – Be Firm and Polite. Step 3 – Get Assistance from Your Lawyer. Step 4 – Take Legal Action or Accept the Loss. Step 5 – Alternatives If Legal Action is Not Worth Pursuing. Do freelancers get


What is meant by virtualization technology?

What is meant by virtualization technology? Virtualization relies on software to simulate hardware functionality and create a virtual computer system. This enables IT organizations to run more than one virtual system – and multiple operating systems and applications – on a single server. The resulting benefits include economies of scale and greater efficiency. What is virtualization technology examples? Better-known examples include VMware, which specializes in server, desktop, network, and storage


Is Mace Windu the most powerful Jedi?

Is Mace Windu the most powerful Jedi? Mace Windu was the strongest Jedi as of the clone wars. However, remember that Yoda was 800+ years at this time. So while Yoda was no longer a powerful duelist due to his age, his knowledge and guidence was vastly superior to all others on the council. Is Mace Windu more powerful than Rey? Mace Windu is extremely powerful with the force and


Can you jump 3 meters?

Can you jump 3 meters? You could effectively jump 3*6 or 18 m. maybe a little more as there would be no air resistance, but would require a special suit to breath and maintain body temperature, so this would increase your weight. A person can jump up to 3 m on Earth. How much high a man can jump on the moon as compared to the Earth H? A man


What is equation of director circle of ellipse?

What is equation of director circle of ellipse? Director circle of ellipse is. x2+y2=a2+b2x2+y2=42. What is the circle of an ellipse? A circle is a special case of an ellipse where the two foci or fixed points inside the ellipse are coincident and the eccentricity is zero. In a circle, all the diameters are the same size, but in an ellipse there are major and minor axes which are of