What happens if you dont floss for a long time?

What happens if you dont floss for a long time? Avoiding flossing can lead to: Gum disease: if you don’t remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth, it creates a breeding ground for the bacteria that lead to gum disease. And gum disease is a significant factor in tooth loss. Bleeding gums often come from a buildup of plaque at the gumline. How long can you go without


What are my chances of getting into an MD PhD program?

What are my chances of getting into an MD PhD program? MCAT and GPA: In 2020-2021, the average GPA for MD-PhD matriculants was 3.8 and the average MCAT was 516.2. Acceptance Rate: There were a total of 701 MD-PhD matriculants of 1855 applicants for an acceptance rate of 37.7\%. Compare this to an MD-only acceptance rate of 41.9\% How competitive are MSTP programs? MSTPs are generally more competitive than general


How would you describe yourself as a front end developer?

How would you describe yourself as a front end developer? If you’re a front-end developer, for example, you might say, “I’m a front-end developer with over 5 years in the company and over 100 websites and apps developed to date.” I have a track record of doing XYZ, which has resulted in a significant boost in sales this quarter alone.” What makes you the ideal candidate for this position front


Is voice important in rap?

Is voice important in rap? The way you project your voice as a rapper is all important. It’s one thing having good lyrics, but if you can’t get your voice out there properly, they won’t have the same effect. Most male rap voices sound better with some bass in it as it makes it sound fuller. It makes your voice sound less ‘small’. Do rappers need a good voice? First


Does Ryanair have a competitive advantage?

Does Ryanair have a competitive advantage? Ryanair operations identifies with cost leadership competitive advantage strategy which provides airline transport services at low cost and operates a broad scope as it carries over 42 million passengers out of 18 European countries at the cheapest rate, however due to its short haul point to point routes and taking … What is so bad about Ryanair? In the annual survey of short-haul airlines,


What do you serve with popovers for breakfast?

What do you serve with popovers for breakfast? Yorkshire Pudding or Popovers are usually served with roasted meats. A dear friend recently shared with me that he serves popovers with scrambled eggs for breakfast or brunch. Are popovers the same as Yorkshire pudding? The Short Answer: Popovers and Yorkshire Pudding are essentially the same things, though they are prepared in different ways. Do you have to eat popovers right away?


Are Schizoids sad?

Are Schizoids sad? Some people come to therapy saying they are depressed, but actually they are “schizoid.” People who are schizoid are distant, detached, and uninterested in the world. In contrast to someone who is depressed, the schizoid person oscillates between starvation for another person and refusal to eat. Can schizoid feel lonely? Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by limited close relationships and perceived emotional coldness. Individuals with this


Why do my persimmons taste chalky?

Why do my persimmons taste chalky? This one has an instant chalky taste to it and that means it wasn’t quite ripe yet. The Hachiya persimmons are amazing as well but you have to make sure they are really ripe before eating them. Why do some persimmons dry your mouth? The tannins (or alternatively the polyphenols) bind the salivary proteins, causing them to precipitate or aggregate[1] and lead to a


What are one of the ways paleontology helps to support evolution?

What are one of the ways paleontology helps to support evolution? The field of paleontology is important to the support and understanding of evolution. This is the study of prehistoric life, including fossils, footprints, and past climatic events. We can visually see how organisms evolved over time, but we can also use radiometric dating to determine the age of rock and fossils. What do paleontologists use as evidence? To solve


How do you read astrological transits?

How do you read astrological transits? Transits represent the actual, physical motion of the planets and the relationship between the actual current position of the planets and the location they were at your birth. So ultimately the planets are always “transiting” as they are always moving. What is Transit birth chart? “In astrology, the term transits refers to the ongoing movement of the planets, in contrast to their positions at