Where does transmission fluid leak from?

Where does transmission fluid leak from? The most common source of a transmission leak due to faulty installation is from the transmission pan. The pan is not mounted correctly or incorrect bolts are used to secure it. Something as simple as these bolts will make transmission fluid leak from the pan. Hopefully, the bolts just need to be tightened. Why is there oil on my back windshield? That is usually


What is the most unique MBTI personality type?

What is the most unique MBTI personality type? The ENTJ – The Rarest MBTI Type Making up a mere 1.8\% of the population, ENTJs are the rarest of all the 16 personality types. What does each MBTI type value the most? What each MBTI type finds most valuable Financial security. Relationships/friendships. Autonomy, freedom, independence. Achievement and accomplishment. Religion or spirituality. Education, learning. Being creative; community service. Prestige or status. Which


Can I open a bank account in the UK if I am not a resident?

Can I open a bank account in the UK if I am not a resident? Who is Eligible to Open a Bank Account in the UK? As a physical person, even if you are not a UK citizen and also a non-resident, you can still have a UK bank account. There is no law or restriction applying to owning a UK bank account. How do I set up a UK


Is there a way to play Xbox 360 games on PC?

Is there a way to play Xbox 360 games on PC? Play Xbox 360 Games on PC Using an Emulator. If you can’t find the game you want on the Microsoft Store, you can install an emulator to run Xbox 360 games on your PC. The one with the best reviews and most reports of reliable service is Xenia, the Xbox 360 Research Emulator. Can Windows 10 play Xbox 360


What would happen to the economy if there was no minimum wage?

What would happen to the economy if there was no minimum wage? Without minimum wage laws, items would be cheaper in stores as business owners are able to provide items at a lower cost since they do not have as much invested into each item. However, this would have to be necessary since people would not be making as much. What is the economics of minimum wage? Modern economic theory


Do salaried employees get overtime?

Do salaried employees get overtime? Most salaried positions do not include overtime pay. However, your weekly pay divided by your total hours worked (including any overtime) must not fall below national minimum wage. Your contract of employment will set out any overtime pay that you are entitled to. What is the overtime pay for salary non-exempt employees? To pay a non-exempt employee a salary, the employer pays the employee the


Why are menthol cigarettes banned in the UK?

Why are menthol cigarettes banned in the UK? A ban on characterising flavours in tobacco products (including menthol), as part of the European Union’s revised Tobacco Products Directive (or TPD2), was introduced in the UK in May 2020. Flavourings, particularly menthol, appeal to young people and are erroneously perceived as less harmful. What is the problem with menthol cigarettes? Menthol cigarettes have also been found to increase both the likelihood


How can I make GRUB boot faster?

How can I make GRUB boot faster? Just do the following: sudo nano /etc/default/grub. Change GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 to GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 for fastest loading without waiting for the Grub menu to appear. After changing the timeout, save it with the command Ctrl + O and you’ll be asked for the file name to be saved. What file system should the boot partition be? For most users, a 250 MB boot partition is sufficient.


What materials and structural features must a cell phone tower have?

What materials and structural features must a cell phone tower have? It must be able to stand and be strong. It must transmit signals via the cellular network. It must be tall (so it can cover a greater area) and sturdy (so it doesn’t fall over). It must blend into its surroundings so as to not cause visual pollution. What makes a cell tower? Cell towers are usually built by


What are some little known facts?

What are some little known facts? 40 Random Obscure Facts That Will Make Everyone Think You’re a Genius Competitive art used to be in the Olympics. A chef’s hat has exactly 100 pleats. “OMG” usage can be traced back to 1917. Some cats are actually allergic to humans. The majority of your brain is fat. Oranges aren’t naturally occurring fruits. Did you know facts that will make you question life?