What lens should I buy 35mm or 50mm?

What lens should I buy 35mm or 50mm? Compare the images taken with both lenses from the same position and with the same settings. You would see that the 50mm gives you a shallower depth of field and better bokeh. The 35mm, on the other hand, will fit more into the frame, making it more suitable for landscape and indoor photos. Is a 50mm lens good for landscape photography? 50mm


What do girls wear hiking in the summer?

What do girls wear hiking in the summer? Consider bringing a lightweight loose fitting and breathable long sleeve top in your day pack. For bottoms, if zip off pants aren’t your thing (I can’t stand them) bring a pair of lightweight leggings or ankle length pants. When hiking in the Badlands last summer, I was so thankful to have a long sleeve top. What should you not wear while hiking?


Are ISTP and INTP a good match?

Are ISTP and INTP a good match? Because ISTP and INTP are similar in their personality traits, they are highly compatible, creating an easygoing relationship. They communicate similarly and share many values, while their differences serve to balance each other’s perspective. What personality type should INTP marry? Bearing this in mind, looking from the MBTI partner compatibility perspective, the best INTP romantic matches are ENTJ, ENTP, or ESTJ. The first


What does it mean when your Moon is in the 10th house?

What does it mean when your Moon is in the 10th house? Moon in the 10th house indicates an ambitious, domineering, hard-working, intelligent, kind, generous, and socially reputed mother. A well-placed Moon in the considered house indicates that the mother of the native is a motivational figure who is helpful in realizing ambitions in life. Is Moon in 10th house good? Moon in 10th house in Astrology gives most people


Can a person change completely?

Can a person change completely? These common sayings imply people can change — and they absolutely can. Anyone can make an effort to alter specific habits or behaviors. Even some aspects of attitude and personality can change over time… with some dedicated effort. Yet while people can change, not everyone does. How can I drastically change my life? These eight steps can drastically change your life for the better. Reprogram


Who is the real king of Seven Kingdoms?

Who is the real king of Seven Kingdoms? King Robert I Baratheon, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, is succeeded by his son, Joffrey I Baratheon, after being mortally wounded by a boar. Joffrey’s mother, Cersei Lannister, serves as Queen Regent. At Highgarden, Robert’s youngest brother, Renly Baratheon, is declared king with the support of House Tyrell. Who is the one true king in Game of Thrones? Hence, Stannis is the


What font is used for Twitter names?

What font is used for Twitter names? Helvetica Neue: Helvetica Neue is the foremost font for the Twitter web on both smartphones and tablets. How do you make your name bold on Twitter? Twitter doesn’t have a built-in way to bold text. In order to make text bold on Twitter, you’ll need to generate the bold font style using unicode. What is the Twitter meme font? Modern meme makers are


How can I increase my typing speed without touching?

How can I increase my typing speed without touching? Tips for faster typing look at the screen and not your fingers. use different keys for successive letters and practice pressing the next key before releasing the last. practice using a typing test, but one which doesn’t let you use the same source text again and again. keep practicing so you don’t relapse into old ways. How can I increase my


How do you reset a window sensor?

How do you reset a window sensor? instructions: Take off the Sensor’s cover and remove battery. Touch the Sensor’s body with a magnet. Insert the battery. Within 2 seconds remove the magnet from the Sensor’s body, the LED will turn off. Remove the battery. Re-install the battery. Reset will be confirmed by LED blinking. How do you disable a window alarm sensor? One way on how to disable window alarm


How do you effectively manage a PR crisis?

How do you effectively manage a PR crisis? How to handle a PR crisis Appoint a response team. Your business should already have a response team in place before a crisis even hits. Devise a strategy and brief your team. Craft your message. Identify and address the affected parties. Monitor the situation. Review and learn from the situation. What are the crisis communication techniques? Here are seven crisis communication tips