What does it mean when your temperature is consistently below normal?

What does it mean when your temperature is consistently below normal? Why is my body temperature low? Studies show that core body temperature decreases with age. Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, can also slow down metabolism, which can lead to a drop in body temperature. If your core body temperature dips down to 95 F (35 C) or lower, that’s considered hypothermia. What causes low body temperature in seniors? Several


Why does shampoo foam more second wash?

Why does shampoo foam more second wash? Shampoos use surfactants (detergents) that lift oil and dirt away, which any decent shampoo will do in one wash. The second time you wash there is less oil in your hair (since it’s already clean!), which also means more foam. Washing your hair too frequently can actually be damaging to your hair and dry your scalp. Why does second shampoo lather more? The


How do I activate park assist?

How do I activate park assist? How to Activate Park Assist Press the Active Park Assist Button located on your center console next to the shift knob. Next, turn on your left or right signal to let the system know which side you want it to search on; if you do not select a side, the system will automatically default to the passenger side. How do I know if my


What does it mean if someone flirts with you?

What does it mean if someone flirts with you? If you’re interested in someone romantically, you might flirt with them, which means to chat them up or tease them in a playful way. Flirting is an indirect and fun way to let your crush know you’re interested, like a seductive line or a few coy words. Does flirting mean they like you? If your crush’s flirting ever delves into the


Can alligators fart?

Can alligators fart? However, they do produce intestinal gases and therefore, at least theoretically (I’ve not subjected this to any kind of empirical testing and would personally recommend against sticking your nose up a gator’s behind), will fart. Do reptiles fart? Yes, lizards can and do fart. However, a healthy reptile will not produce much gas in their gastrointestinal tract. Like many animals, lizards fart to release trapped air and


When can you apply for fafsa without parents?

When can you apply for fafsa without parents? 24 Students are able to file their FAFSA® as an independent at the age of 24. In this case, you’ll only have to provide your financial information. While it may not be ideal to wait to turn 24, this could allow you to get some work experience and save some money before starting college. When can you do fafsa without parents? You


How do I figure my life out?

How do I figure my life out? Here’s how it works: Find someone who’s also interested in figuring out their career. Seek out a friend or someone you’re comfortable discussing personal stories with. Write down a list of important life stories. Share your stories and identify themes you hear. Define what motivates you. What would you want to achieve in life answers? With this in mind, here are 10 primary


What did classical liberals believe the role of government should be in economics quizlet?

What did classical liberals believe the role of government should be in economics quizlet? The government should allow people to be free and to go about their business, as society would rapidly advance as a result. Which of the following is characteristic of modern liberalism quizlet? Which of the following is characteristic of modern liberalism? a free market economy. Where did classical liberalism originated? Classical liberalism was the dominant political


What does boiled honey do for a wound?

What does boiled honey do for a wound? Results. Honey has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as a wound dressing to promote rapid and improved healing. These effects are due to honey’s anti-bacterial action, secondary to its high acidity, osmotic effect, anti-oxidant content and hydrogen peroxide content. Can you put honey on an open wound? Honey can be used on any type of wound at any


How do I get my best friend back after a fight?

How do I get my best friend back after a fight? How to Rebound After a Fight With a Friend Take time to process what happened. Ask yourself what happened. Consider your role in the fight. Surrender to your responsibility and apologize. Don’t be afraid to admit you’re wrong. It’s OK to question your relationship. Consider discussing your fight in person. How do you revive a broken friendship with a