What happens if you eat mold in food?

What happens if you eat mold in food? Mold can produce toxic chemicals called mycotoxins. These can cause disease and even death, depending on the amount consumed, the length of exposure and the age and health of the individual ( 11 ). Acute toxicity includes gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, as well as acute liver disease. Will eating moldy bread hurt you? The Bottom Line. You shouldn’t eat mold


What makes a fantasy world?

What makes a fantasy world? Every fantasy contains some element of magic. That’s what sets fantasy apart from any other literary genre. Because magic is so central to your fantasy story, you must consider it when building your world. Magic, just by its very nature, will shape your characters and direct their actions. How do you create a unique fantasy world? Writing Fantasy? Here Are 15 Tips For Creating A


Can natto be made with other beans?

Can natto be made with other beans? While natto is traditionally made with soybeans, it can be made with other high-protein beans, such as garbanzo, black bean, adzuki, and others. What are soybeans used for? Soybeans are processed for their oil (see uses below) and meal (for the animal feed industry). A smaller percentage is processed for human consumption and made into products including soy milk, soy flour, soy protein,


What syntax issues will developer faced when using PHP?

What syntax issues will developer faced when using PHP? Buggy PHP Code: The 10 Most Common Mistakes PHP Developers Make Common Mistake #1: Leaving dangling array references after foreach loops. Common Mistake #2: Misunderstanding isset() behavior. Common Mistake #3: Confusion about returning by reference vs. Common Mistake #4: Performing queries in a loop. What is PHP used for examples? Typically, it is used in the first form to generate web


How hard is it to optimize a game?

How hard is it to optimize a game? If you mean when a gaming developer has to port a game to the PC platform and optimise it, that could be very difficult. There are only a few consoles to optimise for but for PC you are optimising for almost limitless components and combinations of those. It could take a developer or programmer a long time. How would you optimize your


Where do metals accumulate in the body?

Where do metals accumulate in the body? Once in the body, heavy metals can accumulate over time in your bones, liver, brain, kidneys and heart. Having excess heavy metals in the body can damage vital organs, cause behavioral changes and difficulties with thinking and memory. Where do heavy metals accumulate? After sedimentation in the lung, the heavy metals in PM2.5 particles can easily get into the circulatory system and then


Is it OK to eat peppermint leaves?

Is it OK to eat peppermint leaves? Mint is a member of the Lamiaceae family, consisting of about 15 to 20 species, such as spearmint and peppermint, all of which are perfectly fine to eat raw or cooked. Mint leaves are a favored herb that people use, dried or fresh in many dishes and infusions. What are the benefits of mint leaves in water? The menthol quality of mint water


What are the qualifications to be a fighter pilot?

What are the qualifications to be a fighter pilot? Air Force pilot minimum requirements 18-30 years of age (waiver up to 35 years old possible) At least 5 feet 4 inches to 6 feet 5 inches tall. Seated height between 34 and 40 inches tall. At least 20/40 vision in both eyes for near vision and 20/200 for distant vision; must be corrected to 20/20. Where do NATO pilots train?


Which NIT is best for metallurgical engineering?

Which NIT is best for metallurgical engineering? NIT Jamshedpur is well known for Metallurgy. Is metallurgical engineering good in NIT Trichy? Placements: Being the top NIT in the country, it provides very good placements compared to other NITs. You will be well-trained before the placement season starts so that you will be ready for interviews. Most of the branches in B. Tech have placement records of more than 90\%. Is


Why is metallic property of elements increases down the group in modern periodic table?

Why is metallic property of elements increases down the group in modern periodic table? As we move down the group, the number of shells increases. The effective nuclear charge experienced by valence electrons decreases because the outermost electrons move farther away from the nucleus. By losing the electrons, element gains positive charge. Hence, metallic character increases down the group. Why does metallic character increases from top to bottom in a