
Are Dutch people confrontational?

Are Dutch people confrontational?

They are more comfortable with ‘high context communication’, meaning they speak sophisticatedly, their communication is layered and nuanced. They read between the lines more. Also, the Dutch are confrontational and do not mind open confrontation.

Are Dutch very direct?

The Dutch are famed for their direct way of communicating. Of course, stereotypes are not the whole story and not all Dutch people are direct at all times. There are specific contexts and situations that call for a less direct way of communicating, even among the Dutch.

What is Dutch directness?

But in the Netherlands, there is “the sense that people have the right to say whatever they want and be as direct as they want. And if other people don’t like that, it’s their fault for getting offended.”

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Why the Dutch are honest?

The Dutch prefer to be honest and direct, which avoids any question or confusion about their response or how they feel about something. They appreciate and understand this way of thinking rather than emphasizing politeness and pleasantries.

Are the Dutch known for being honest?

What are Dutch facial features?

What are Dutch facial features? Dutch women have significantly longer and broader faces compared with UK women; their palpebral fissure and nasal widths are significantly greater, their nasal ridge length and upper face proportion are significantly reduced; and their nares are significantly more anteverted.

Is the Netherlands beautiful?

The Netherlands is the most beautiful country in the world. I used to see pretty pictures of other beautiful countries around the world and was only seeing what my own country was lacking―beautiful mountains and high skyscrapers. There was nothing spectacular about the Netherlands.

Are the Dutch people direct?

The Dutch are direct, yes, I think most Dutch people and Netherlands-based expats would agree on that. Many internationals would probably add that they are often blunt to the point of being rude. The Dutch (in general) say things as they are, they don’t mince words or beat around the bush.

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How can ‘Dutch directness’ influence you?

Like the foreigners in the video, there is a good possibility that this ‘Dutch directness’ influences you. They became a bit more Dutch themselves. For example, when going home or talking with family on the phone, their relatives felt that they had changed. “Now I can get things done more quickly.”

How do Dutch people greet each other?

When Dutch people meet for the first time they shake hands. The handshake should be made with the right hand and should be firm (without squashing the other’s hand) and short. If you are well acquainted (usually after meeting for the third time) women kiss each other on the cheek three times. Women also greet men they know well in this manner.

What do the Dutch really say?

The Dutch (in general) say things as they are, they don’t mince words or beat around the bush. They say it straight up and direct, whether it’s feedback from your manager, a comment on your new hairstyle or the simple (but direct, with no explanation) “no” when you ask someone for a favour. Yes they are direct. But what does it all mean?