
Can a Protestant go to a Orthodox church?

Can a Protestant go to a Orthodox church?

The Eastern Orthodox Church is not in Communion with the Roman Church, nor is it in Communion with any Protestant denominational church. Eastern Orthodox Christians are forbidden from receiving Communion in any church other than Eastern Orthodox.

Are there more Protestants than orthodox?

1 Globally, Protestants made up 37\% of Christians in 2010. That’s a smaller share than Catholics, who comprised 50\% of Christians around the world, but substantially larger than the percentage of Orthodox Christians, who represented 12\%. In fact, there were more Protestants living in Nigeria that year than in Germany.

Can a Greek Orthodox marry in a Roman Catholic Church?

Catholic canon law allows marriage between a Catholic and an Orthodox only if permission is obtained from the Catholic bishop.

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Is Lutheran Protestant or Orthodox?

Lutheranism is one of the largest branches of Protestantism that identifies with the teachings of Jesus Christ and was founded by Martin Luther, a 16th-century German monk and reformer whose efforts to reform the theology and practice of the Catholic church launched the Protestant Reformation.

How do the orthodox view Catholics and Protestants?

So, to answer the OP, it appears to me that the Orthodox view Catholics and Protestants as “separated brothers and sisters in Christ” who have fallen from the truth, but who nonetheless retained some validity and are thus part of the Church. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 29 ’20 at 20:10

What are the biggest criticisms of the Orthodox Church?

However, the big criticism by Protestants would probably be that Orthodox churches venerate the icons in their churches, to a degree that these Protestants would not.

Is the Orthodox Church the one church?

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The Orthodox Church, in my opinion, makes it very clear that they believe it is the One, Holy, Orthodox, Catholic, Apostolic Church established at Pentecost and continues today. Yet, it recently has broadened its willingness to talk with other sects.

Can orthdox Christians be saved?

He also said that the Orthodox Christians might be the only group of people saved. This got me thinking what is the official stance of salvation of the Orthdox Church and can all Christians (Catholics, Protestants, Orthdox, etc.) be saved.