
Can asexuality be a choice?

Can asexuality be a choice?

According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), “An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction.” Unlike a person who is celibate, asexuality is not a choice. It’s a sexual orientation, an inborn trait or lack of desire.

Can asexuality be reversed?

1. While both generalized HSDD and asexuality imply a general lack of attraction to anyone, asexuality is not considered a disorder or sexual dysfunction, or the consequence of a medical or social problem. Asexuality cannot be cured like a disorder.

Are you asexual or Aromantic?

“Aromantic” and “asexual” don’t mean the same thing. As the names suggest, aromantic people don’t experience romantic attraction, and asexual people don’t experience sexual attraction. Some people identify as both aromantic and asexual.

Can asexuality be caused by low testosterone?

Asexuality is just part of who they are. In contrast, some people feel greatly distressed by diminished sexual desire. In these cases, treatment may be considered. Low libido can be caused by many factors, including hormonal changes during menopause, low testosterone in men, and health conditions like diabetes.

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Are most asexuals aromantic?

Not all asexual people are aromantic, and not all aromantic people are asexual — but some people are both! People who are both aromantic and asexual experience little to no sexual or romantic attraction. That doesn’t mean they don’t get into romantic relationships or have sex.

Is asexual a lack of hormones?

Asexuality is not a hormone imbalance, nor a medical issue*. It is not a mental health issue*, and it does not need to be cured. Asexuality is also neither abstinence nor celibacy, both of which are conscious behavioural choices that any person of any sexuality may engage in.

Can asexuality be caused by hormones?

Asexuality is not the result of a hormone deficiency, or a syndrome, or a physical or psychological ailment. Research has said as much. We don’t need to be treated or fixed.