
Can autism look like social anxiety?

Can autism look like social anxiety?

Social anxiety also may look different in autism, and may be confused with a lack of interest in socializing, a common symptom of autism. Someone with social anxiety disorder fears being judged and humiliated. Certainly some people with autism share that fear.

Can you have Aspergers and not be socially awkward?

This is not the case with Asperger’s Disorder. Individuals with Asperger’s Disorder usually want to fit in and have interaction with others, but often they don’t know how to do it. They may be socially awkward, not understand conventional social rules or show a lack of empathy.

Is autism easily misdiagnosed?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be very complex to understand, which can unfortunately result in high levels of autism misdiagnosis in adults. This is often the result of a widespread unfamiliarity with the symptoms, especially in cases where they were never evaluated during childhood.

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How do you cope with Aspergers?

How is Asperger’s treated in adults?

  1. Cognitive behavioral therapy. A therapist can help you cope with some of the emotional effects of autism, such as social isolation and anxiety.
  2. Speech therapy. A speech pathologist can work with you to learn voice control and modulation.
  3. Vocational therapy.
  4. Medications.

Can autism be mistaken for other things?

Conditions That Can Be Mistaken for Autism. These include: Speech delays, hearing problems, or other developmental delays: Developmental delays are when your child doesn’t do things doctors expect kids their age to be able to do. These can include language, speech, or hearing problems.

Why are Aspies so uncomfortable in public?

And due to the aforementioned hyper-sensitivities combined with this social anxiety, many Aspies live their public lives perpetually uncomfortable due to the combination of unpleasant stimuli, interpersonal fears, and the expectation to “act normal.”

Do Aspies need social breaks?

When an aspie is overwhelmed by what is going on around him or her it is sometimes not possible to keep interacting with people. Thus, aspies need social breaks from time to time and if at all possible they should be provided those breaks (given they are seeking one).

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What skills do Aspies have?

They can become great researchers as well as problem solvers. In reality, Aspies generally have below average emotional and social skills but they have above average technical skills. They are mostly seen in fields like technology, science, mathematics and engineering more often than interpersonal fields.

Why are Aspies such good advisors?

Aspies are the last set of people anyone would wish they can run to for advice, but believe it or not, their ability to think logically makes them great advisers or counselors. Aspies think logically and are free from prejudice or other ulterior motives.