
Can Batman use the Infinity Gauntlet?

Can Batman use the Infinity Gauntlet?

Batman has his own version of Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet which uses different colors of kryptonite instead of Infinity Stones. Batman wasn’t born with powers, so he’s relied on advanced tech and his own incredible detective skills to foil some of Earth’s (and beyond) most sinister villains.

Could Wolverine survive using the Infinity Gauntlet?

Wolverine doesn’t exist in the MCU, but with his resilience he likely would survive a snap if he had to pull it off. It’s hard to say if his regenerative abilities would allow him to heal the damage, as Hulk and Thanos also have legendary regenerative powers and they were both hurt quite badly.

What is the most powerful stone in the Infinity Gauntlet?

Of the Infinity Gems in the comics, the Space Gem is undoubtedly the most powerful. When combined with any of the other gems, it can change just how they are used as it allows the being carrying it to manipulate space in a variety of ways.

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What would Batman do with the Infinity Stones?

So that means that if Batman was to go into the 616 universe and try to use the stones from another universe to beat Thanos who has the 616 stones, he would get destroyed. If Thanos takes the 616 stones to a universe where Batman had that universes stones, he would be the one to get destroyed.

Is Wolverine’s adamantium stronger than Vibranium?

Adamantium is stronger than vibranium. This rarely mentioned metal is less widely used than its two more popular cousins, but it has already proved in the mainstream comics to be stronger than Adamantium — and it may have already made its presence felt in the MCU.

Can Deadpool survive the Infinity Gauntlet?

Yes. The Infinity Gauntlet essentially turned everyone to dust or atomizes them when it kills them. At least that’s what it looks like. It’s speculation because the movie does not expressly state how the gauntlet kills everyone, but if that is indeed what it did, it is enough to kill Deadpool.

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Can Superman wield the Infinity Stones?

Yes of course he can! the gauntlet is only a harness for the stones power, so anyone can use it… as a glove… :P.