
Can employers prevent employees from discussing wages?

Can employers prevent employees from discussing wages?

You cannot forbid employees – either verbally or in written policy – from discussing salaries or other job conditions among themselves. Discussing salary at work is protected regardless of whether employees are talking to each other in person or through social media.

Can an employer force you to take a pay cut?

If you do not have a contract, your employer can legally reduce your work hours or cut pay and you may not have any recourse. Thus, unless you are protected by a union contract or employment agreement, your employer can legally fire you, demote you, or change your work hours at any time and for any reason.

Can an employer change your salary or work hours without your approval Why or why not?

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Yes, in some cases. Generally, unless an employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement states otherwise, an employer may change an employee’s job duties, schedule or work location without the employee’s consent.

Are employees allowed to discuss wages?

in 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Equal Pay Act, a piece of legislation determined to expand existing anti-discrimination laws in California workplaces. The Act prohibits employers from forbidding employees from discussing their wages or the wages of other employees.

Can employers discuss wages?

In fact, employees’ right to discuss their salary is protected by law. While employers may restrict workers from discussing their salary in front of customers or during work, they cannot prohibit employees from talking about pay on their own time.

Can my employer change my pay structure?

While it is clear that an employer cannot unilaterally change the terms and conditions of employees’ employment, the employer does retain some managerial prerogative in respect of aspects that are not entrenched in the contractual relationship.

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Can my employer change my pay?

In general, your employer can reduce your salary for any lawful reason. There is no specific California labor law which prohibits an employer from reducing an employee’s compensation. However, your employer cannot reduce your salary to a rate below the minimum wage.

When must wages be paid to employees?

Must be paid once in each calendar month on a day designated in advance by the employer as the regular payday. No two successive paydays shall be more than 31 days apart, and the payment must include all wages up to the regular payday.

Can employers prohibit employees from discussing their salaries?

As a result, the employee was given back pay and offered reinstatement, and the employer changed its handbook. This case illustrates a common misconception — that employers can forbid employees from discussing their salaries. Repercussions from these kinds of conversations can ripple throughout the entire company.

Why is it important to follow the law regarding employee pay?

Following the law regarding employee pay is important to avoid lawsuits and costly penalties. It is illegal to pay your employees late, and doing so could result in legal action.

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What happens if an employer does not pay an employee on time?

With a willful nonpayment, the employer must pay liquidated damages to the employee, with the liquidated damages being equal to the amount that the employer didn’t pay on time. This penalty is in place so employers don’t withhold employee pay.

When can an employer force an employee to lower their pay?

Ideally, the answer to this question is never, but business realities sometimes demand that an employer is forced to lower pay to stay in business. If the business is having cash flow problems, for example, sometimes the choice is either to shut the company down or cut employees’ pay.