
Can I bring a flask to a wedding?

Can I bring a flask to a wedding?

Bringing a flask to a wedding is such a common tradition it’s almost expected. Just make sure you share with the bride and groom and make sure you fill the flask up with something good.

Can you bring your own alcohol to a wedding?

Most brides and grooms decide to have an open bar, which allows guests to drink beer, wine, and liquor without limit. A cash bar, which requires guests to pay for their own alcohol, should be your very last option-it’s generally considered best to never ask for guests to purchase their own drinks.

What alcohol do you need for a wedding?

For a basic full bar you’ll want to have vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and whiskey. From there consider adding a bottle or two of bourbon, scotch, brandy, and any other speciality spirits you love.

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How much alcohol do you need for 100 guests?

How much alcohol do you need for 100 guests? For a 4 hour party with 100 guests, you will need approximately 400 drinks: 160 beers, 144 glasses of wine (29 bottles) and enough for 96 individual cocktails (amounts will depend upon what type of cocktail you serve). If you aren’t serving wine, plan on 240 cocktails.

Can I bring a flask to a dry wedding?

For guests: Yes to after-parties, no to flasks.

Is it cheaper to bring your own alcohol to a wedding?

1. Buy Your Own Booze. Buying booze at your go-to spot is a lot cheaper than purchasing drinks directly through a caterer. If your venue and caterer let you supply your own liquor, wine, and beer, you can hand-select your favorite brands without breaking the bank.

Is it cheaper to bring your own alcohol for a wedding?

How do you cater alcohol for a wedding?

Reception, Dinner & Dancing – A good rule is to estimate one (1) drink per person for every hour of the reception. Some will drink more and some less so it will even out. Example – drinks for first hour (2 drinks/person) + Reception for five hours (5 drinks/person) = 7 drinks per person.

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How many non-alcoholic drinks can you have at a wedding?

Four non-alcoholic options is plenty—Robinson recommends Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, and lemonade—and you don’t have to serve full cans. Served in a glass with ice, one can will make three drinks. For a wedding of 100 guests, two cases of soda should be plenty, she says.

Is it cheaper to buy your own alcohol for a wedding?

How many bottles of liquor do you need for a wedding?

A good rule of thumb is to buy 10 bottles of vodka, 6 bottles of whiskey, 6 bottles of gin, 4 bottles of scotch, 2 bottles tequila, 2 bottles of triple sec, 2 bottles of vermouth, 4 cases of beer, and 2 cases of wine for every 100 guests.

What do you put in a wedding flask?

Whiskey, bourbon, rum, gin, brandy (Cognac, Armagnac) are fine. Lower alcohol beverages such as beer or wine don’t keep well in a flask, nor do cocktails, cream liqueurs, or citrus-based liquids. They will deteriorate or mix badly with the flask material, and some may even damage it.

Should you serve liquor at your wedding?

The biggest question regarding liquor at your wedding is not whether or not it should be served, but rather what kinds of liquor should be provided, especially at a limited bar. As a method of making your decisions easier, Zola recommends using a tiered system for choosing the liquor you will serve at your wedding.

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Is it safe to drink liquor stored in a stainless steel flask?

There are no serious health risks associated with drinking liquor that has been stored in a stainless steel flask for a long period of time. However, the longer the liquor remains in the flask, the more likely it is to pick up unpleasant metallic flavors.

What kind of alcohol can you put in a flask?

The experts are unanimous: hard liquor only, which means 80 proof and above. Whiskey, bourbon, rum, gin, brandy (Cognac, Armagnac) are fine. Lower alcohol beverages such as beer or wine don’t keep well in a flask, nor do cocktails, cream liqueurs, or citrus-based liquids.

What is the best alcohol for a wedding reception?

The Ultimate Wedding Alcohol List 1 Liquor.Distilled spirits are a foundational building block for any wedding alcohol list. 2 Champagne.When it comes to your ultimate wedding alcohol list, Champagne should be at the top of it. 3 Beer and Wine. 4 Mixers, Citrus, and Ice. 5 Specialty Cocktails.