
Can I ship to myself with FedEx?

Can I ship to myself with FedEx?

Yes! When you choose to send shipments via FedEx, you can choose from a range of free, ready-to-use self-sealing packaging in your choice of shapes and sizes.

Is it possible to ship yourself?

No, You Cannot Legally Ship a Person That includes shipping yourself, too. Neither the US Postal Service, FedEx, nor UPS allow for “human mail,” and neither do any smaller regional carriers. Although…you can ship someone’s organs if they’re an organ donor, but that’s another story.

Has anyone tried to ship themselves?

Charles McKinley (age 25) shipped himself from New York City to Dallas, Texas in a box in 2003. He was attempting to visit his parents and wanted to save on the air fare by charging the shipping fees to his former employer.

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Is it illegal to FedEx money?

FedEx prohibits the shipment of cash so visit a bank or other authorized provider to obtain a cashier’s check and fill it out with the name of the recipient.

Can I use my own envelope for FedEx?

If you don’t have the supplies you need, rest easy. Most drop boxes store free FedEx Express® shipping supplies, such as FedEx® envelopes, airbills and document pouches. Or you can use your own packaging and affix a FedEx shipping label to it.

Is FedEx or ups cheaper?

UPS and FedEx package shipping costs are about the same, but UPS flat rate pricing is slightly cheaper than FedEx. For variable pricing, FedEx generally starts out slightly cheaper but can be more expensive for larger, heavier shipments or for packages that will travel a longer distance.

What would happen if you mailed yourself?

It’s a dangerous thing to do; secreting oneself in the bowels and containers of a ship carries with it the risk of suffocation, starvation, and thirst. A stowaway’s legal position is rarely secure, and if the stowaway is discovered, he or she is unlikely to find much sympathy from a ship’s crew.

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Can I use my own box for FedEx 2 day?

Packaging for 2 day shipments We offer envelopes, paks, tubes and boxes in sizes small to extra-large. If you don’t have FedEx Express packaging, you can ship with your own instead. Need help packing? Head to a FedEx Office location, and our experts can pack your box for a fee.

Can I put FedEx in my mailbox?

By law, only you and the U.S. Postal Service are allowed to put things in your mailbox. But what if companies like FedEx and UPS could do it too? That could happen under a recommendation by the Trump administration.