
Can Slovenians and Croatians understand each other?

Can Slovenians and Croatians understand each other?

To cut the story short, Croatians understand Slovenian but not completely and not all words. When speaking Slovenian, Croatians have a lot of problems (especially if they don’t want to sound ridiculous). Older Slovenians speak Croatian but younger don’t (but probably understand a lot).

Do Macedonians and Serbians understand each other?

No it won’t. About 70\% of ppl, understand and speak Serbo-Croatian very well. It used to me official language of Yugoslavia, and at least in Macedonia we learned it school for two years. Older generation speaks it and understand it very well.

Is Macedonian mutually intelligible?

Since Macedonian and Bulgarian are mutually intelligible, share common linguistic features and are socio-historically related, some linguists are divided in their views of the two as separate languages or as a single pluricentric language, respectively.

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Can Serbians understand Slovenian?

In general, Serbs tend to understand Slovenian much better than Croats. This is mainly due to similarities in vocabulary (e.g. beautiful->lep (SLO) and lep (SRB)) and intonation between Serbian and Slovenian.

Can Russians understand Slovenians?

No, they are not mutually intelligible. There are many understandable words, nevertheless, a Russian and a Slovenian will not be able to communicate freely without an interpreter. No, they are not mutually intelligible.

Can Macedonians understand Croatians?

Is the Macedonian language similar to Croatian/Serb and Albanian? – Quora. To Serbian/Bosnian/ Croatian/ Montenegrin yes, in fact their native speakers tend to understand each other, to Albanian no.

Is Serbia like Slovenia?

Serbia–Slovenia relations Before 1991, both countries were part of Yugoslavia. Both countries are full members of the Central European Initiative and of the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative. Also Serbia is an EU candidate and Slovenia is an EU member. Serbs are the biggest national minority in Slovenia.

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Can Slovenians understand Czech?

the intelligibility between slovene and czech (as well as between slovene and slovak) is limited. linguists can apparently point out some common features straddling the austria-hungary gap, but in practice slovene is much closer to its neighbor croatian.