
Can the magnetic flux be zero when the magnetic field is not zero?

Can the magnetic flux be zero when the magnetic field is not zero?

The magnetic flux is generated when there is change in the magnitude of the magnetic field as well as its direction. If the magnetic field is parallel to the place of the area exposed then the magnetic flux generated is zero when the magnetic field is not zero.

Is magnetic flux constant?

In general, no it is not. A changing magnetic flux leads to an EMF by way of Farday’s law. The density function of a rod does not normally change, nor do its dimensions. The magnetic field can change, and so can the boundary of the surface that we integrate over.

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Under what condition the magnetic flux linked with a circuit is zero?

When plane of coil is along the direction of field, the magnetic flux linkedwith a coil is zero.

What does a negative magnetic flux mean?

The negative sign is explained by Lenz’s law. It tells us that the induced E.M.F always opposes the change in magnetic flux associated with a conducting loop.

What is meant by negative flux?

Once we have made this choice, any flux passing in the opposite direction through the surface is defined as “negative flux”.

Why magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero?

Because magnetic field lines are continuous loops, all closed surfaces have as many magnetic field lines going in as coming out. Hence, the net magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero.

Does magnetic flux have to be zero through a closed surface?

It works only with an electrically conductive closed surface; it’s not true for just any mathematical closed surface, as it is for the case of the magnetic flux through a closed surface. Not really – as stated in a previous post, the lines of electric flux do not have to total zero through a closed surface.

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What is magnetic flux and how is It measured?

The magnetic flux measures through flux meter. The fluxmeter has to measure coil which measures the variation of voltage to measure the flux. Net number of lines passing through the surface are called magnetic lines of forces. The magnetic flux through a closed surface is always zero, but in the open surface, it is not zero.

Why is the magnetic field of a magnet zero?

And no – the magnetic field is not zero, nor is the flux (this was stated in an earlier post – please read them all). It’s the net flux, i.e. the sum of all the flux lines across the surface, that is zero. It just means that there is much field “flowing” out of the surface as there is field “flowing” into the surface.

What is the net flux of a surface?

It’s the net flux, i.e. the sum of all the flux lines across the surface, that is zero. It just means that there is much field “flowing” out of the surface as there is field “flowing” into the surface. Again, it has to do with the closed loops: every one that exits must also reenter.

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