
Can thermodynamics determine the speed of a reaction?

Can thermodynamics determine the speed of a reaction?

Thermodynamics is usually thought to tell nothing about rates of these processes, their velocity of approaching equilibrium. Rates of chemical reactions belong to the domain of chemical kinetics.

What can thermodynamics predict?

It allows us to predict whether a reaction will proceed and what the maximum yield might be. Thermodynamics is a macroscopic science that deals with such properties as pressure, temperature, and volume. The first law of thermodynamics deals only with energy changes and cannot predict the direction of a process.

Why work is not a thermodynamic property?

Work is not the property of the system because at any specific instant it cannot define the state. It is path-dependent, on the other hand the properties of the system are point function. Originally Answered: What is a difference between thermodynamics and heat transfer?

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Which of the following is not a thermodynamic property?

Note that heat and work are not thermodynamic properties but are process quantities. This is because systems do not contain work but they can perform work. Similarly, systems do not contain heat but can transfer heat.

Why does a thermodynamically favorable reaction not occur rapidly?

Why don’t all thermodynamically favored reactions occur rapidly? -Because thermodynamics and reaction rates are unrelated properties. -The reactants still need to break bonds and overcome the activation energy in order to form products. -The equilibrium of the reaction favors the reactants and not the products.

Why catalyst does not affect thermodynamics but kinetics?

In the presence of a catalyst, the same amounts of reactants and products will be present at equilibrium as there would be in the uncatalyzed reaction. To state this in chemical terms, catalysts affect the kinetics, but not the thermodynamics, of a reaction.

What are limitations of thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics only points the way. Thermodynamics says nothing about how long it takes to get there. The stoichiometric equation for the reaction says nothing about its mechanism.

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Why is thermodynamics important in engineering?

The Laws of Thermodynamics are the foundation of heat transfer and energy work. When any engineer is designing or implementing a system, the consideration of heat loss or energy produced is influenced by these fundamental principles.

Why work is not a property?

Work is not a property of a system. Work is a process done by or on a system, but a system contains no work. This distinction between the forms of energy that are properties of a system and the forms of energy that are transferred to and from a system is important to the understanding of energy transfer systems.

Which of the following Cannot determine the state of thermodynamic system?

Explanation: A single variable cannot determine the state of a thermodynamic system (P or V or T).

Which of the following is not a thermodynamic process?

Work done is a path function (as it depends on the curve also called path) that is it is not a thermodynamic state function. So, the correct answer is option B that is work done.

What is a physical property in thermodynamics?

Thermodynamic Properties Within thermodynamics, a physical property is any property that is measurable, and whose value describes a state of a physical system. Our goal here will be to introduce thermodynamic properties, that are used in engineering thermodynamics.

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How can statistical mechanics be used to determine thermodynamic and kinetic properties?

To determine these thermodynamic and kinetic properties from quantum results, the use of statistical mechanics is required for relating the microscopic properties of individual atoms and molecules to the macroscopic bulk properties of materials that are under study in your laboratory. For this, it is not always easy to find general software provid-

What is the importance of thermodynamics in engineering?

In thermodynamics, engineering and in everyday life – knowledge of thermodynamic properties is elementary to understand thermodynamic problems. Thermal Engineering Within thermodynamics, a physical property is any property that is measurable, and whose value describes a state of a physical system.

What is the first law of thermodynamics?

First Law of Thermodynamic: Although energy assumes many forms, the total quantity of energy is constant, and when energy disappears in one form it appears simultaneously in other forms. ∆(Energy of the system) + ∆(Energy of surroundings) = 0 ∆Ut = Q + W → ∆(nU) = Q + W dUt = dQ + dW → d(nU) = dQ + dW