
Can two people have internet in the same house?

Can two people have internet in the same house?

Yes, you absolutely can have two separate connections in your house. With the two separate wireless routers you would need to set them on non-overlapping channels and you will be fine.

Can I use my modem at someone else’s house?

Can I take my modem to another house? You can take your modem to another house so long as it works with the same internet connection type you have in your new home. It also has to be certified to work on your new internet provider’s network. Otherwise you’ll need to get a new modem or rent one from your provider.

Can 2 modems be used on the same cable line?

No, you cannot connect a second modem to his cable line. How, without an ethernet adapter, do you get a connection to your modem, and to the internet?

Why is my WiFi weak all of a sudden?

As such, your home wireless network may lack the proper strength or range because of the same issues that impact other forms of radio technology: Obstacles that cause a reduction in signal strength. Interference from other devices sending radio waves. Lack of power from the wireless router resulting in a weaker signal.

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Can a home have 2 modems?

Both of which run off of a cable modem, you can have two modems in the house running off of their own coaxial cables. However, one modem MUST be dedicated for internet, and one modem MUST be dedicated to the telephony service. Albeit easier to just use one cable modem with a telephony port would work totally fine.

Can you have 2 wifi modems in a house?

Yes, it is possible to use two (or even more than two) routers on the same home network. The benefits of a two-router network include: A second router provides more open Ethernet ports so that additional computers can join the network.

Can I take my cable modem to a friend’s house?

You could take your cable modem and your router, and establish service at their house. However, there are a few issues with that, depending on the cable company. Some ISPs will not allow a cable modem that is still active on another account on their network start new service at a different location.

Can you use someone else’s router and modem?

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You can use any wireless router you want, but the modem you purchase has to be approved by your ISP to function with their network. In a sense, you can think of your router as a device that’s part of your home network and the modem as a device that’s part of your ISP’s network.

Can I have two cable modems in my house Comcast?

So with Comcast residential internet services you can only have one modem per account. If you truly want two modems they would each need to be on separate accounts so you are paying two internet bills.

How do I connect a second modem?

First router: Connect the Internet (or WAN) port to your modem. Second router: Connect one of the other ports (not Internet or WAN) to the same port on the back of the first router. If your ports on your routers are WAN, 1, 2, 3, 4, then connect the first and second router together in port 1.

Do modems get weak?

Why Modems Go Bad Well, it turns out there are several compelling reasons that a modem wears out: All electronics go bad eventually. This is just the nature of the beast. Running electricity through equipment will cause it to wear down over time.

Is it possible to have two modems in the House?

Both of which run off of a cable modem, you can have two modems in the house running off of their own coaxial cables. However, one modem MUST be dedicated for internet, and one modem MUST be dedicated to the telephony service. Albeit easier to just use one cable modem with a telephony port would work totally fine.

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Can a cable modem be installed outside of the House?

Strict answer NO. Real world answer…. Sometimes your ISP provider do it but outside and you don’t event know, but one cable modem is in your house and the other is in your neighbor’s house. Of course it doesn’t complain with installation policy and you may have trouble with your service.

Can two internet modems share the same DHCP server?

A typical internet modem is also a DHCP server, managing IP addresses for a home network. You can’t have two competing DHCP servers sharing a switch. Chaos would ensue as systems on the network randomly picked up addresses from each modem.

Can I add a second modem to my Rogers home internet?

@jaroadshow Rogers typically won’t allow a second modem in the house unless its on another account, which is usually another Rogers customer that is renting part of the house, basement or upstairs floor for example. As @57 indicated you can use powerline adapters, which can work reasonably well.