
Can you see the curvature of the Earth from an airplane?

Can you see the curvature of the Earth from an airplane?

Re: Flying on an airplane I can see the curvature or Earth. Any commercial pilot will tell you that you can not see curvature from cruising altitude. The Earth does not appear curved until you get above 60,000 feet.

Do airline pilots follow the curve of the Earth?

So airline pilots already have two perfectly good systems in place that ensure they will follow the curve of the earth if it is a globe and these systems will work equally well to enable them to stay a fixed distance from a flat plane if the earth is flat.

Why does the Earth appear curved?

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This illusion happens because the ship is moving further along the curve of the Earth. (Tape a box of matches to a beach ball, put it close to your face, then rotate it for a miniature version.) We have several components of an equation, courtesy astrophysicist David Lynch, that can be used to calculate the curvature of the Earth.

Can we see the Earth from the top of a plane?

This is only physically possible if the earth is a huge “endless” flat plane. If Earth were a globe, no matter how large, as you ascended the horizon would stay fixed and the observer/camera would have to tilt downward, looking down further and further to see it. Horizon always at eye level

But suffice it to say that the curvature of the earth is slightly visible at airliner altitudes but quite clearly visible from 10,000 feet higher. At 51,000 feet, the highest ceiling of any production airplane, it’s quite easy to see, especially if you’re in the pilot’s seat and are afforded a field of view of 300 degrees or so.

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Can you see the Earth’s curve from ground level?

Scientists say that anyone flying at 35,000 feet on a clear day and with at least a 60-degree field of view will be able to discern the curve. However, when it comes to seeing it from ground level, many suggest that while it’s theoretically possible, it’s not guaranteed.

How far away can you see the Earth from your height?

If you’re 30 meters (100 feet) high, you’ll be able to see up to 20 km (12.5 mi) away. This is one of the reasons why, at least from the sixth century BC, ancient civilizations understood that the Earth was curved, not flat.

Is it possible to see the curve in the sky?

Many of us have had similar experiences when perched on cliff tops and looking seaward, but is it just our minds playing wishful tricks? Scientists say that anyone flying at 35,000 feet on a clear day and with at least a 60-degree field of view will be able to discern the curve.