
Do I have to wear underwear while praying?

Do I have to wear underwear while praying?

Wearing an underwear is not a requirement for Salah/Prayer. A person can put on a cloth, salwar, izar, robe, or anything but certain parts of the body must he covered. For a man the Awrah (what should be covered) is what is between the navel and the thigh.

Can you offer prayer in shorts?

It is ok as long as when you go into ruku or sajdah, the hems of your shorts are not above or at your knee. If the hems of the pants are above or at your knees at any point in the salaah process, then they are a tad too short. It is not worth risking the validity of your salaah to wear inappropriate clothing.

Can we wear underwear in Ihram?

Men’s ihram clothing consists of two white cloths, without seams, hems or buttons. The bottom half, the izar, is wrapped around the waist covering the area between the navel and feet. Don’t wear underwear, socks or any other clothes, and don’t cover your head.

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Can we pray namaz without underwear men?

As long as you have covered yourself well enough and appropriately and none of your body parts (which need to be covered) are showing while standing or in rukoo or in sajdaah. Also the clothing should be such that you do need need to constantly hold it up or adjust it. so that one may concentrate fully in their Prayer.

Can you pray namaz with wet hair?

The fact that people immediately perform prayer right after they wash their hair while performing wudhu. You can even pray when your whole body is wet.

Can you pray namaz with half sleeves?

For men yes of course you can ! But it is always preferred to have full sleeves as it is a sunnah. For women , absolutely not! The only parts allowed to be visible are face , hands till the wrists and legs ( without the ankle showing ) .

Is it haram to wear shorts?

Yes it is haram. Just as women are having certain regulations on covering themselves, men too have. They’re not supposed to show their skin to other people starting from above their bellybutton to below their knee. This part is haram for men.

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What is a women’s Ihram?

Ihram clothing (Ahram clothing) includes men’s and women’s garments worn by Muslim people while in a state of Iḥrām, during either of the Islamic pilgrimages, Ḥajj and/or ʿUmrah. Ihram is typically worn during Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic calendar.

What are the rules of Ihram?

Aside from being as clean (purified) as they are for prayer, male Muslims are expected to refrain from cutting their nails, and trimming their hair and beards. They must also not wear any scent, including deodorant. They have to wear ihram clothing, which is a white, seamless garment.

Can you pray with shirts?

well yes , with full arm t shirt and easy fit ,i.e. not tight jeans , you can even perform prayers , but it should be covering all the supposed parts , i.e. it should not have cuts bruises etc.

Is it permissible to pray in clothes in which one has slept?

It is permissible to pray in clothes in which one has slept, so long as they are pure and cover the ‘awrah, although it is better and more perfect to wear beautiful clothes that look good for prayer. That is in obedience to the command of Allah, may He be exalted, in the verse (interpretation of the meaning): “O Children of Adam!

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Is it permissible to pray in clothes with impurities?

In order for prayer to be valid, it is stipulated that the worshipper should avoid having any impurity on his clothing, because Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And your garments purify” [al-Muddaththir 74:4].

Is it permissible to write the name of Allaah on clothing?

The prayer of one who prays wearing clothes on which there are images is valid, but he is sinning if he knows the shar’i ruling. It is not permissible to write the name of Allaah on clothing, and it is makrooh to enter the toilet wearing it, because that is showing disrespect to His name, may He be exalted.

Is a Muslim’s prayer valid if he was unaware of the ruling?

He replied: If he is unaware, there is no sin on him, but if he knew (the ruling) then his prayer is valid but there is some sin involved, according to the more correct of the two scholarly rulings. Some scholars said that his prayer is invalid, because he has prayed in a garment that is haraam for him.