
Do juries have to reach a unanimous verdict?

Do juries have to reach a unanimous verdict?

In the federal system, whether the trial is criminal or civil, the jury must reach a unanimous verdict. In state courts, whether a jury needs to be unanimous depends on the state and the type of trial. For criminal trials, nearly every state requires the jury to produce a unanimous verdict.

What does Derek Chauvin’s conviction mean for George Floyd?

MINNEAPOLIS — Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts Tuesday for causing George Floyd’s death, a verdict that could send the disgraced former Minneapolis police officer to prison for the rest of his life.

How long will Derek Chauvin’s sentence be?

He faces up to 75 years in prison when he returns for sentencing in eight weeks. However, under Minnesota law, the sentences are likely to run concurrently, meaning Chauvin would serve no more than 40 years in prison.

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What does conviction of second-degree murder mean for Chauvin?

Conviction on the top count of second-degree murder means the 12 jurors unanimously agreed that Chauvin caused Floyd’s death during the commission of a felony assault.

What happens if a grand jury does not decide to indict?

Grand juries do not need a unanimous decision from all members to indict, but it does need a supermajority of 2/3 or 3/4 agreement for an indictment (depending on the jurisdiction). Even though a grand jury may not choose to indict, a prosecutor may still bring the defendant to trial if she thinks she has a strong enough case.

Can a defendant agree to a less-than-unanimous verdict?

The majority of states, however, do not allow a defendant to agree to a less-than-unanimous verdict. A defendant’s right to a unanimous jury verdict becomes quite complicated when the charged crime is known as a “complex-compound” crime.

Can a grand jury decide on probable cause in Texas?

For more, read “ Examining Trials in Texas .” Grand juries also decide on “probable cause” in criminal cases. However, the process here is much different than in an examining trial.

What happens if the jury returns a guilty verdict?

In most cases where the jury has returned a guilty verdict, the defense will immediately make a motion to the judge to give either of these judgments (see our blog on How To Talk To A Judge ). In almost every case, this motion is denied by the judge. However, the defense can appeal the verdict to a higher court.

How do you come to a verdict on a case?

You go back into the jury room with the other jurors to come to a verdict. Everybody on the jury agrees on a verdict. All of you believe that there was no negligence, and you want to award the victim nothing. Except for one juror.

Can a judge overrule or change a guilty verdict?

In certain situations, a judge can overrule or change the guilty verdict that the jury has decided on. Typically, this is called one of two things: a judgment of acquittal or; a judgment notwithstanding the verdict.