
Do we still have to follow the Ten Commandments?

Do we still have to follow the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments, as written by the finger of God on two tablets of stone and given to Moses at the top of Mount Sinai, are no longer in effect. Christians are not obligated to live by them. Believers do not live under the Mosaic Law and those Ten Commandments in 2018. …

Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink?

“Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” The Apostle Paul, writing these words by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, makes his point.

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How many times did Jesus refer to Old Testament?

Zero times. Originally Answered: How many times is Jesus mentioned in old testament?

What is the connection of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible?

Together the Old Testament and the New Testament make up the Holy Bible. The Old Testament contains the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, while Christianity draws on both Old and New Testaments, interpreting the New Testament as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Old.

What is the message of the Old Testament?

The Old Testament is the story of God’s promises to his people. Below its somewhat obscure surface is hidden magnificent truth about the love and power of God. Throughout its pages the reader can find promise after promise from God, all of which are fulfilled in the New Testament-in the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Are We saved by grace through faith or by Torah?

The Torah following movement does not necessarily have a unified perspective. Some are extreme in their interpretation of keeping the Torah while others are more lenient. But generally, the thought is this: We are saved by grace through faith. But after becoming saved, Christ expects our obedience.

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What is the Torah and why is it important?

If you do not know what the Torah is, it is generally referred to as the first five books of the old testament. More specifically, it is in reference to the 613 mosaic laws. Now, there is some debate about whether they are truly laws, decrees, statues or instructions.

What are some acts of obedience to the Torah?

Other acts of obedience are when we are called to do a good work. This is not for “works’ sake”, but for the calling of obedience. So, if we are to live like Christ, we should also follow the Torah just as he did. That includes eating clean meats, circumcision, and many other laws. It sounds right and just, but is it?

Should we study and obey the Torah as Jesus did?

If it resolves to the question as to whether we should study and obey the Torah as Jesus did, then the answer is yes, though of course we must be clear exactly what this means, especially in light of the collective teaching of the New Testament.